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therealstygianumbra t1_jboy9d9 wrote

Everyone wants to pile on this cop but what if those kids did keep breaking his cameras? There are no consequences for juvenile offenders in NYC and their age means nothing to me, there are plenty of violent 12 year old gang members who know exactly what they are doing, that it is wrong and that their age shields them.

There are plenty of moms that will defend their violent criminal children regardless of the crime they committed, they are enablers and by having no consequences society enables their behavior as well.


Rottimer t1_jbp2kse wrote

It’s property damage. It’s on camera. The police identified the kids. Sue them. What you don’t get to do (if you’re not a retired cop) is chase after them with a gun and scare them so much that 3 black kids in Brownsville call the cops. That ain’t a normal occurrence.

And now that the guy was released without consequences the same night as the arrest because he knew someone, what does that teach them about justice? Are they going to put their trust in the cops if someone wrongs them in the future? Or will it now make more sense to take care of justice themselves or with their friends?


Clavister t1_jbreaeq wrote

TIL that 12 is old enough to be prosecuted as an adult