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tiregroove t1_jbpnjq5 wrote

>Make the contract only pay out if they do and it is shown to work in practice.

That's not how consulting works though. What tangible metric would you use for 'works in practice?' Consulting isn't some low-skill endeavor you can have a bunch of interns doing. Plus the longer you wait on a project the more the price rises. Also 'get rid of the corruption' is a fun easy solution but almost impossible to implement in the scope of any NY construction project.


LikesBallsDeep t1_jbpokgg wrote

I have actually worked in consulting. I don't see how any of your points prevent what I'm suggesting from being possible.


tiregroove t1_jbpt8d8 wrote

ok so have you or any of the consultants you've worked with EVER taken a fee contingent upon results? And if so, how long did you wait to get paid? Months? Years??


LikesBallsDeep t1_jbq5kkh wrote

You can pay part up front and the rest based on results.

....and yes? Lots of fixed price projects don't pay until something is delivered in production. Not everything is time and materials.