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spk92986 t1_jdnkjx6 wrote

It's not what I think, it's real life whether anyone likes it or not. You can be an idealist all you want but we don't live in a utopia and no major city is free of violent crime, certainly not this one.


TizonaBlu t1_jdnlwej wrote

Again, the Stockholm syndrome New Yorkers have that think murders and robberies in the subway is “utopia”.

Let me tell you, a single murder or robbery happening in SG, SK, JP, TW, HK, subway would be an avenger level event where the news will cover it nonstop and politicians will be forced to apologize. In NY, it’s Tuesday.


TheJoseph97 t1_jdnrlu4 wrote

Funny enough cuz I’d rather live in American society than any of those southeast Asian countries you mentioned


Daurdabla t1_jdnsn6e wrote

Yet here I am, rather living in a country where I wouldn’t get murdered or robbed in the subway. Or imagine this, American society but with safe subway! But I respect your inability to dream big.


JordanRulz t1_jdx7sv1 wrote

same, but for what we pay in taxes we can afford to have our cake and eat it too


pillkrush t1_je0kwi2 wrote

literally only Singapore would be considered a southeast Asian country