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BigAssQuanta t1_jdk2vn6 wrote

Why is it always a Republican?


Apprehensive-Elk5366 t1_jdkchkj wrote

Because the democrats get all the good lobbyist checks, the republicans have to scrape by with whatever options are left


ifiwereaplatypus t1_jdkepp6 wrote

Lobbying hasn’t worked that way for a while now, especially after Citizens United.


Silvery_Silence t1_jdn7c40 wrote

Hahah yes they have such a lack of funding from the Koch brothers alone. You’re a moron.


Rpanich t1_jdog6bx wrote

If the democrats were in the pockets of big corporations, why is it that the republicans are the ones giving them massive tax cuts?


oceanblue966 t1_jdkn7fp wrote

Couldnt have said it better myself friend


RepresentativeAge444 t1_jdl0fcd wrote

That’s actually scary considering how abysmal his comment was. Friend.


magnetsinmyfingers t1_jdl8osg wrote

look at the comment history on these wow. its like the dumbest trolls of trollville from russia.