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AnotherNYCPhotog t1_jdmt47n wrote

I get where you're coming from but my standards are extremely high for the representatives that I have. I don't expect politicians to be perfect cuz they're human and I know for a fact as much as I want to virtue signal about how great I could possibly be... My integrity isn't high enough to turn down the possibility of making more than 150K a year and then barely doing your job.

I come from a not very great living situation and a lot of my experiences of push me to the point where I don't feel like a good person So I can understand. That's why I wouldn't want somebody like me in office but also I'm extremely transparent so it's not like I would hide shit like that I would be extremely forthright with it immediately cuz I feel like it's a selling point but to hide it seems disgusting.

And not only that but to know that they could have chosen so many other non-problematic Republicans and that was the best that they could find? Like wow.

Being a criminal does not preclude him or prevent him from running for office. It's just not surprising but sad how many Republicans decided they would rather him than any Democrat regardless of whether or not the Democrat had their best interest at heart or whether or not the Democrat had zero convictions or zero things on their record.

My only point being I can understand exactly where you're coming from but like that shouldn't be a defense. Personally I would love if there was a means where they had to effectively stand trial not in the criminal court but in the court of public opinion and have all of their shit, all of their past, shared with the world. And then let the people decide. Because even a scummy as I might be the last thing I would do is lie about it knowing my decisions affect millions.