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mission17 t1_je5whwa wrote

Breaking: Cops want to roll back protections for defendants. Oh brother.


KaiDaiz t1_je5y9it wrote

Breaking news, defense attorney and plaintiffs don't want to go to trial and claim missing random x document as reason they get off for their alleged crimes. They not asking for the case to be dismiss bc they claim they are innocent but time to bring them to trial lapse under 30.30 bc x doc missing and the people not certified to go to trial.


mission17 t1_je68oum wrote

Yeah, this may be news to you, but that's the job of a defense attorney and how operating within our Constitution has worked since forever. You advocate for your clients by not only attesting to their innocence but also guaranteeing their rights are being protected in the legal process.


KaiDaiz t1_jeb0h71 wrote

yes bc there's a ton of ambiguity regarding dwi when it's the only driver and already blew past limit


mission17 t1_jeba1if wrote

A DWI, like any offense, still requires Due Process.