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PrudentLingoberry t1_jd3kc4y wrote

why the fuck do mass-arming people not acknowledge the fact that whoever gets the first draw usually wins? You also literally do not consider that bullets are very good at travelling through things, so good infact we use hollow points so that they don't travel through too many things, which they do anyway. Hell even in less densely packed places you can fucking see how "polite" society is in places like Florida or Texas. All you do is make the murder button way more accessible to people, a literal degradation of societal fabric when the stranger next to you is more likely than not a possible threat. I genuinely find it baffling how people fantasize about living in such a hellscape, where you could die at any moment.


Odins-Enriched-Sack t1_jd4amkn wrote

So then people will have to be quicker on the draw. Old school, like Wild Bill and the OG cowboys. More guns mean more practice. Duels at high noon would start popping up all throughout the city, like food trucks. This could eventually have a positive effect. Like increasing tourism. /s

In all seriousness, there are ways to allow for responsible and reasonable gun ownership. I don't think everyone should own an AR-15 or a tank. I also don't believe that it should be super easy to get a gun. I do think people should have a right to keep themselves, their family, and their possessions safe. Law enforcement can not be everywhere all the time and all at once. In some cases, they are completely useless and will end up hurting the victim instead. I also believe that if rights can be taken away, then they are privileges, not rights.

I do, however, understand that rights come with responsibility. There must also be reasonable conssessions made. For example, you have the right to free speech (and all that it entails). You don't have the right to yell "fire!" in a crowded space and cause a stamped. Your right to do something shouldn't infringe on someone else's rights. My right to own a firearm shouldn't infringe in your right to be alive. Were I to abuse that right, then I should be made to deal with dire consequences.

We allow for responsible vehicle ownership. This is despite the fact that vehicles can be two ton heavy metal death machines. We force people to learn to drive and prove that they can drive. We require individuals to register and insure their vehicle. We require mandatory annual inspections and renewal of registration. We have infrastructure in place (not perfect) that influences the way people drive (speeding cameras, stop lights, etc). I believe this could be done for firearm ownership, just in a more stringent way.

If you believe that all it is taking for people to go completely ape shit is access to a weapon; then we already live in a terribly unsafe and deranged society. That would make me feel that I NEEDED a firearm even more. I understand the nature of this subject is sensitive. I wish these conversations could happen in a more reasonable way. I also understand what you are saying and the point you are trying to make. Or at least I think I understand.