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ELONGATEDSNAIL t1_jcgqb4s wrote

This is a good thing. You don't want airbnbs in the city. Imagine your "neighbor" is a revolving door of tourists and people visiting nyc to party. You could complain to your landlord but he dosent give a shit because he just made in a week what you pay monthly.


Pkytails t1_jcgqrke wrote

Nah I disagree. How people know their neighbors today, or who lives in the apt next to you? Airbnb majority of the time just people trying to enjoy a city without being ripped off by hotels. But what does it matter.. it’s NYC we are prey!


ELONGATEDSNAIL t1_jch2fb2 wrote

From my experience not knowing your neighbors is a good thing. The only neighbors i knew were a complete pain in my ass. If you don't want to get ripped off don't come to nyc.