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LikesBallsDeep t1_jcnxxca wrote

Wait 500 MILLION dollars for a couple of miles of bus lanes on already existing roads?

What in the flying fuck!?


1600hazenstreet t1_jcnydz9 wrote

Welcome to NYC government pricing, where cutting down a tree costs $5k.


LikesBallsDeep t1_jcnzumg wrote

I mean yeah.. but 5k vs 500 million.

What's more work, cutting down 100,000 trees? Or painting a couple of miles of existing roads?


GND52 OP t1_jcorr6s wrote

  1. It’s an initial estimate that is all but guaranteed to grow
  2. There’s no auditing, so we’re left in the dark as to how exactly that money will be spent.

Ed_Hastings t1_jcwtjhv wrote

Good thing our city has a long history of being non-corrupt and efficient with taxpayer money.