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dele7ed OP t1_jcqj03j wrote

Your counter argument is good, the trend is a shitty one though. Canceling people’s contracts based on their views and not professional performance is a straight way to… becoming Putin’s Russia in no time.


[deleted] t1_jcqrzto wrote

No it's not. Have you ever had a job?


dele7ed OP t1_jcqvd2z wrote

In the last 25 years I had more jobs than number of days since you signed up here on Reddit.


Important-Ad1871 t1_jcr6w48 wrote

You’ve had 90 jobs in 25 years?

That’s a new one every quarter, you must be a terrible employee


dele7ed OP t1_jcry252 wrote

As a carpenter I finished more than a hundred jobs in the time period. What about you, sir? Have you done even one day of physical labor, Mr. Important?


Jintoboy t1_jcrljnb wrote

I mean let's say you post a screed on Facebook or rant on Twitter regarding how bad your employer is, and how no vendor or customer in their right mind should work with them.

Do you think that would go over well? Do you think that won't result in termination or disciplinary action in most cases?


tuberosum t1_jctkgd1 wrote

> Canceling people’s contracts based on their views and not professional performance is a straight way to… becoming Putin’s Russia in no time.

Considering that NYS, along with many states in the US, has been an at will employment state where you could be fired for any reason whatsoever at any time (barring protected classes, of which political preference isn't one), we've long since crossed the Rubicon on being like Putin's Russia by your logic.

To put it simply, your employer can fire you for wearing the wrong color T-shirt or because they don't like the buckle on your belt if they so want to.