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t1_jdijh8t wrote

Where did I say anything that disagrees with what you're saying?

I never said charter admission wasn't based on lotteries. I never said they were substantively white, nor that they weren't full of black and Hispanic students. I never said I was against charter schools or that parents were wrong for sending their children there.

You seem like you're so used to arguing with anti-charter posters you just regurgitate the same facts irrespective of whether or not they prove your point.


t1_jdikb0a wrote

OK, Fine.
Do you believe publicly funded charter schools should exist?


t1_jdiosiq wrote

When you lift caps on charters, your city’s school system becomes Philadelphia. Public schools become repositories for kids whose parents don’t care or don’t have the wherewithal to get them into charters (minus a couple of high performing magnet schools), and every parent who has the time and inclination to fill out an application sends their kid to a charter of decidedly middling quality. You get to break the union, you burn through every young teacher three years out of college, and your public school system is destroyed. And twenty thousand union members with a passable quality of life go looking for greener pastures. That’s what you’re looking for?


t1_jdiravx wrote

Do you think the Philadelphia Public School system was properly educating Children of Color before charter schools existed?


t1_jdis0l2 wrote

Problems are exacerbated by the existence and growth of charters.


t1_jdisflf wrote

Citation needed.


t1_jdmg6h7 wrote

He means if you take away all the good kids then bad kids become a higher percentage of students and the problem is worse (more visible). He’s upset he’s not teaching geniuses like in the movies he watched as a kid that inspired him to become a teacher and now has a difficult work environment


t1_jdmu36z wrote

Why should poor parents who give a damn about their child's education and future be forced to go to school with bad kids? Especially with an unresponsive (at best) educational bureaucracy?

Why are you so willing to sacrifice the future of poor kids?


t1_jdnhq34 wrote

I think for one no teachers would line up to teach a room of terrible kids who might assault or otherwise shoot them as we just saw a 6 year old do.


t1_jdoagn1 wrote

And you want to put those teacher-shooting kids in the same classroom as kids who want to learn? What kind of monster are you?


t1_jdohqyx wrote

Just for the record, no, they need to have better methods to teach and handle specific children


t1_jdokvqe wrote

What are those methods?


t1_jdon39g wrote

Specialized attention to their needs, therapy, remedial math and English. Have you seen the stats on what percentage of students can perform either at their grade level?


t1_jdrr40z wrote

That doesn't seem so difficult to do. I wonder why the Board Of Ed won't do it?


t1_jdrziiw wrote

It would cost additional teachers and funding


t1_jdsce4s wrote

So because you don't want to pay more in taxes, you want to force poor kids to go to shitty schools with dangerous kids? Once again, what kind of monster are you?


t1_jdikm5g wrote

Yes? I literally said that in my last post.

EDIT: To restate the thesis of my first post; I have no issue with the existence of charter schools, my issue is specifically them being landlords to public schools, because I would rather they dedicate their attention to educating students rather than split their attention between education and real estate.