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behindtheclouds t1_itrzuqk wrote

Vaccine warriors are in fucking shambles in the other thread. Love it 😀


brownredgreen t1_its57na wrote

Oh cool, public health isn't public anymore. Who knew.


sysyphusishappy t1_itslymv wrote

>"Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19," the ruling notes.
>The judge ruled the "petitioners should not have been terminated" and that "If it was about public safety and health, no one would be exempt."

Devastating that the "follow the science" crowd now has to acknowledge the actual science in a court of law without social media platforms bullying people with dissenting opinions into silence.


1600hazenstreet t1_itsungj wrote

Government just got wrecked. Too bad taxpayers will foot the bill and not the folks who made these stupid mandates.


oceanblue966 t1_ituoobr wrote

You get less sick, show less symptoms, sneeze and cough less, and generally get over the illness faster. All of the above symptoms that are lessened, certainly contribute to the spread of covid. So in short - it does reduce transmission, and the vaccine is highly safe & effective considering the circumstances surrounding its development.


beepoppab t1_ituwzus wrote

Right, that's the idiotic irony here. These antivax incels are missing that vaccines don't prevent infection, just as seatbelts don't prevent car accidents. They just substantially reduce the risk of death or serious injury/illness.


Kadaven t1_ituxei2 wrote

This decision is absolutely nonsensical and devoid of legal support. Most posts on this subreddit are better written.


radek4pl t1_ituynhc wrote

That's a terrible argument, if anything you can argue that seatbelts don't prevent death upon accident, but they do reduce the chance of death.

Seatbelts were never advertised as preventing accidents (infection), but vaccines were infact advertised as 95% effective in USA and 100% effective against infection in Africa. Most importantly, claims were made by medical professionals that even if you happened to be infected by the virus, you would be a dead end to it, ie you won't transmit it to others. Transmission was the main selling point of the mandates.

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community,” Fauci said. “In other words, you become a dead end to the virus. And when there are a lot of dead ends around, the virus is not going to go anywhere. And that’s when you get a point that you have a markedly diminished rate of infection in the community.”


radek4pl t1_itv196f wrote

Hello? Public health? Estimated billion annual flu infections around the globe and tens of thousands of dead Americans each year. Are tens of thousands of dead Americans not a matter of public health?

Also, why compare only the last two years? Many millions of Americans died from the flu over the years. If you want to compare an outbreak of covid-19 where most of the population is naive to the flu, compare it to the 1918 outbreak of the flu, not when the flu has mutated down over the years and people became more immune to the virus.

As a matter of fact, ever since omicron came out, upon infection, you are now more likely to die from your regular seasonal flu rather than covid.


brownredgreen t1_itv3c8e wrote

JFC that article cites the vaccination as a factor in reducing the death rate


Remove the vax and tell me comparable death rates

Which, ya known, are what we got in the first year of pandemic.

We mandated the vax because WITHOUT IT we are looking at another million dead in another few years.


radek4pl t1_itv4amp wrote

Of course vaccination plays a role. Natural immunity and the fact that omicron is less severe by being much less likely to travel to your lungs, also plays a role.

Did you forget that we had the flu vaccines for close to a century? Why would you want to suddenly compare covid without the vaccines to flu with the vaccines?

We're on an even playing field now by comparing covid with the vaccines to the flu with the vaccines.


radek4pl t1_itvb0yc wrote

What does that question have anything to do with what I said in my most recent comment? Do you want to start the same coversation all over again? I think you can just look at the history and guide yourself through.


brownredgreen t1_itvcxfl wrote

OP posted something regarding the vax mandate

You behave as if its not necessary, cause of lower death rate

I point out, the lower death rate WAS A RESULT OF THE MANDATORY VACCINATIONS

You: "why are we talking about when vaxx's were mandated?"

Fuck you troll. Block.


radek4pl t1_itvfwp5 wrote

Are you trying to say then that vaccine mandates no longer make sense since "breakthrough" infections are extremely common and the main goal of vaccination is personal protection against severe illness and death?

I'm no longer protecting you and you are no longer protecting me. I take the vaccine and I protect myself. You take the vaccine and you protect yourself. Everybody can make their own medical decisions based on their current situation.


sysyphusishappy t1_itvl62d wrote

Omicron goes right through the vaccines. The director of the CDC got covid a month after her 4th "booster".

The entire rationale for vaccine mandates of any kind is to protect others. The government does not have the authority to force people to make the right healthcare choices for themselves.


sysyphusishappy t1_itvm8wz wrote

> You get less sick, show less symptoms, sneeze and cough less, and generally get over the illness faster. All of the above symptoms that are lessened, certainly contribute to the spread of covid.

By how much do they "contribute" to slowing the spread and for how long? BTW the director of the CDC got covid a month after her FOURTH dose of the vaccine. I guess that was a "breakthrough case".

> So in short - it does reduce transmission, and the vaccine is highly safe & effective considering the circumstances surrounding its development.

LOL at "considering the circumstances". That is not how we judge the safety or efficacy of pharmaceutical products. The "emergency" excuse has long since become a moot point. There is no more "emergency".


LivefromPhoenix t1_itvpo8e wrote

Funny considering how much you guys will seethe when this gets overturned on appeal. This judge has a history of making expansive conservative rulings then getting them reversed by higher courts.


damostrates t1_itwwulb wrote

They also get a stay of enforcement when they file the Notice of Appeal. No one is being rehired anytime soon.

Also, I only read the decision quickly, but I thought the relief pertaining to the rehiring was limited to the named petitioners.


sysyphusishappy t1_itx1ocq wrote

Did you even read that article?

> Omicron changed the thinking around boosters, says Alejandro Balazs, an immunologist at the Ragon Institute in Cambridge, Massachusetts. That’s because, faced with the variant, people previously regarded as fully vaccinated now have “an antibody response that is insufficient to prevent infections”, he says.

> As Omicron outbreaks have spread, boosters have been used to ramp up levels of neutralizing antibodies, curbing cases and easing strain on hospitals1,2. But the concern is that boosters don’t block infections for long.

> Data from Israel — collected between June and November last year when Delta was dominant — and detailed online ahead of peer review, indicate that the immunity from a third (mRNA booster) shot wanes within months, mirroring the decline after two doses3.

The director of the CDC just got covid a month after her FOURTH booster. So did Anthony Fauci. Pretty much everyone I know got omicron last winter, vaxxed or unvaxxed.

You can argue that the shots reduce symptoms, but as far as stopping the spread, that ship has sailed with omicron. Unless maybe you think the government should force people to get shots every three months for a variant that is about as severe as the flu for almost everyone but the very sick and very old?

You need to update your government talking points.


blarghgh_lkwd t1_itxnjvm wrote

That is an impossibly stupid argument

The vaccine reduces symptoms and slows the spread of the disease SIGNIFICANTLY. If you catch it while vaccinated your chance of developing serious symptoms or needing hospitalization, or passing a more malignant instance of it on to others, goes down to very nearly nothing.

There is no excuse for anyone who is a public employee and works with the public to be unvaccinated. It is an unconscionable and disgusting breach of the social contract to think you can go out among people with such a lackadaisical and ignorant attitude to health care and disease prevention.


sysyphusishappy t1_itxx47u wrote

>The vaccine reduces symptoms and slows the spread of the disease SIGNIFICANTLY. If you catch it while vaccinated your chance of developing serious symptoms or needing hospitalization,

Reducing symptoms is not how vaccines work and it does nothing to "stop the spread". You need to upate your government talking points. Even the CDC doesn't claim this anymore, especially after the head the CDC got covid one month after her FOURTH "booster" shot.

>It is an unconscionable and disgusting breach of the social contract

Who exactly is protected by a shot that doesn't keep you from getting covid or spreading covid? Unvaccinated people?


blarghgh_lkwd t1_ityxsbn wrote

>not how vaccines work

You clearly don't know much about vaccines and 'how they work'

>upate your government talking points

I think you should update your moronic catch phrases because that one's played out