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supremeMilo t1_iqvpuf4 wrote

City needs to pick five bin styles, put out open source designs for them so they can be built and sourced inexpensively (not everything needs to be a jobs program) and then usurp a few parking spots for every block to put these in (could they safely be put in front of fire hydrants, maybe two five foot wide bins and five feet clear in front of the hydrant?)

Start with Manhattan south of 96th street, make the buildings pay for them, there isn't an owner in this area that can't afford this, and make binning trash mandatory, or fined. If you get enough fines you receive a free bin.


Done, how hard was that?


shin_datenshi t1_iqvs00f wrote

this human/impostor thinks like a problem solver. Why aren't there enough people like you in executive / legislative positions?!?


Khutuck t1_iqvt3g2 wrote

Exactly. They can put wheeled containers in front of the hydrants, six of them can fit in the no-park zone of hydrants. No digging required. These are also less physically demanding for the sanitation workers than tossing bags:


juicychakras t1_iqwnrjw wrote

Very hard. Much easier to pay millions to McKinsey to create a snazzy powerpoint that says the same thing.

God this is so frustrating to watch


dumberthenhelooks t1_iqwy1wd wrote

Just so you know most of the buildings you think you’re talking about already have a trash storage system. They only put the trash out on days when it’s picked up. I have no idea what my building actually does with its trash. It collects it everyday. Stores it. And it’s out on the sidewalk less then 6 hrs on average. It’s the smaller buildings that put the trash out. And even when I lived in one of those we had locked bins that residents put trash in and then the super would put them on the street the day of pick up.


nycregoddess t1_iqxeqvf wrote

Building owners are already fined when there is loose trash in front of the buildings. $100 first offense, $300 each additional. That means if people dump in front of them, or whatever, it is the building owners responsibility. There's plenty of "city services" that building owners are actually responsible for.


supremeMilo t1_iqxzim2 wrote

Good, the city isn’t the one throwing trash everywhere, the people are.