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Rpanich t1_iqvrne3 wrote

Someone brought this up in the last thread, but I found this image… i think under the sidewalks is more or less the same. I’m not positive there would actually be the room?


York_Villain t1_iqx5y00 wrote

I swear there are ppl in this subreddit that think there's only dirt and soil underneath the asphalt and cement. lmao


mule_roany_mare t1_iqxacx1 wrote

NYC is super dense underground, but you only need one dumpster per block. It's not a big deal if people have to carry their trash bags an extra 20 feet

There isn't one size fits all solution for the whole city, my block does have an alley that can hold dumpsters, ones that don't can get an underground dumpster, ones that don't can get an above ground dumpster


Rpanich t1_iqxam64 wrote

Oh yeah, if we can get a big enough one per block, I think that’d be a fantastic idea.


Butt_Sauce t1_iqxc1wg wrote

“1 dumpster per block” X 100k blocks… yeah no big deal. And that’s assuming you only need one per block. Have you seen the mountains of garbage on some streets? What happens when the garbage doesn’t fit?


mule_roany_mare t1_iqxjq5b wrote

If I was the trash Czar & building this infrastructure I'd schedule dumpsters to be emptied when they are near full instead of on a schedule, triggered by LoRaWAN sensors.

So you'd pick up the full dumpsters & the total collections wouldn't rise because you could leave the not-full dumpsters longer.

You can't compare one time infrastructure costs to ongoing annual costs. Even a small increase in trash efficiency will pay for major outlays in a decade. Not to mention the quality of life improvements too numerous to be quantifiable.

Lets say the infrastructure costs a billion dollars... That's 6 months of the sanitation budget. a 5% increase in efficiency would pay for itself in one decade and pay dividends for the next 90