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One-Conflict-5043 t1_iqvvois wrote

Why uproar, they already have garbage in front of there buildings, now itll be further from there windows, use it for buildings that produce alot of trash like those that have compacters. 2x or 3x times a week one spot will be taken temporarily.


KaiDaiz t1_iqvw2d8 wrote

yes their garbage not the entire blocks garbage infront of them.

would you live infront of community garbage collection site?


One-Conflict-5043 t1_iqvy770 wrote

Many buildings take up an entire residential street, you can also select.multiple locations, perhaps near fire hydrants for access


KaiDaiz t1_iqvybjw wrote

still boils want to live in front of the community garbage collection site that has the unfair burden? those residents and owners will fight it