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HashtagDadWatts t1_it7sbu4 wrote

I guess we should revoke the federal funding they receive, them, and reallocate it to NYC.

Note also that the people being used as pawns are people who are in the country legally.


Dolos2279 t1_it8302y wrote

Well no actually. They're clearly lacking resources at the border so doing that would mean they should send even more to NYC.

>Note also that the people being used as pawns are people who are in the country legally.

I mean sure but endless masses of people showing up claiming asylum are obviously abusing asylum laws. I don't blame them but no matter your views on immigration we can't just absorb unlimited amounts of homeless people from around the world.


HashtagDadWatts t1_it84ldt wrote

You say "send even more to NYC" as though disproportionate funding is here. The truth is that it's the opposite. Texas is getting billions and using it to complain and play political games.