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Calm-Heat-5883 t1_it8ek61 wrote

Send more of them here. Why doesn't a sanctuary city want them. Let's not pretend that this is a new thing happening. How Long has NYC been a sanctuary city after all. 500 hundred empty beds on Randell island. So where exactly are the supposedly 20000 that have arrived? Money is going somewhere and it's not to help the people who need our help.


edenbeast_of_hell t1_it8npca wrote

It's kind of Cruel sending people to NYC so they can more or less live in a slightly more elavated form of poverty working for slave wages and labor, they need to be shipped back to their country of Origin, we're getting overwhelmed and there isn't much space in NYC.


machined_learning t1_it9fm3t wrote

Im not sure why you think we are getting overwhelmed. The problem is not space, there is plenty of space in a city of millions to accept 14,000. There are also nearly 90,000 apartments being left vacant by landlords because they dont want to bring the buildings up to code. Source

These people are welcome to find a better life like we and our ancestors did.

Edit: Here is the url for the source


edenbeast_of_hell t1_itahpwm wrote

404 Not Found, and because it is already overwhelming Other Boroughs and coloring perspective of people who already live there, Hispanics including.


Chav t1_it8lu15 wrote

> Randell island

Ah yes, all of us real new yorkers want to send them to Randell Island


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_it8t143 wrote

No, the politicians decided to send them there. Visit Jackson heights. There's thousands of undocumented South Americans living there. The vast majority are hard working. Looking for the American dream. The politicians aren't worried about their legal status. So why are they trying to force 500 into tents with winter just round the corner.


machined_learning t1_it9efa3 wrote

First of all the other person was making a point that its "Randalls" Island. Second, I agree that there are a lot of immigrants in NYC and its weird that these people are being sent there while others are not but its because that is our system for granting asylum. If you apply for asylum you are given shelter and social support by the state/city. That is also why its so expensive to accept these migrants, although its clear that we should. The other immigrants here likely didnt go through the asylum process. For now, thats how it is whether we/they like it or not.


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_itb9jky wrote

Forgive me for a spelling error. I guess the other person has never done it themselves so has every right to jump on it. The other immigrants as say likely didn't go through the asylum process because they most likely weren't caught by ice at the border. This is all to do with politics and political gestures than the safety and comfort of asylum seekers. As I was walking to a DD for my morning coffee along Queens Blvd yesterday. I saw a homeless person asleep on the sidewalk covered with just a light blanket. The weather was in the high 40s and Cold. My first thought was get yourself over to Randall's island there's a massive tent there with a bed for you


machined_learning t1_itbyo1r wrote

Haha, I mean there are plenty of shelters also available to that person. Some times people do choose not to go to shelters because they have a lot of requirements (no drugs/alcohol, set bedtime, other ppl around, etc.). I hope they are alright


Calm-Heat-5883 t1_itb9tw5 wrote

Explain what a real New Yorker. If you'd be so kind please. I'd hate to think I don't meet your requirements to be one because I'm an immigrant and not Born here.