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kjuneja t1_iu8tp02 wrote

Houston up to midtown needs to size up.

NYC needs to redo air rights.

Hold an auction and mandate builders start building UP immediately


oanda t1_iu8yn8n wrote

Can’t auction off what isn’t yours. Not how it works.


kjuneja t1_iu9pzsm wrote

Obviously there are existing rights holders in play.

It's simple: Use it or lose it.

Compensate the losers and move on with life.

Can't be held hostage by those that think small.

Rezone areas up creating more air rights.


midtownguy70 t1_iu9o4t6 wrote

You would need another mandate to ensure all of the interesting retail, clubs, restaurants, art galleries and street life down there isn't obliterated by the way those buildings are designed at street level. You know (or maybe you don't) those low rise neighborhoods are where people actually go to hang out and feel the real pulse of city life. The city is better by having a mixture of low rise and high rise. Plenty of places to build up elsewhere without razing the last incredibly vibrant and unique neighborhoods in Manhattan.


kjuneja t1_iu9qhnm wrote

>You would need another mandate to ensure all of the interesting retail, clubs, restaurants, art galleries and street life down there isn't obliterated by the way those buildings are designed at street level. You know (or maybe you don't) those low rise neighborhoods are where people actually go to hang out and feel the real pulse of city life. The city is better by having a mixture of low rise and high rise. Plenty of places to build up elsewhere without razing the last incredibly vibrant and unique neighborhoods in Manhattan.

This is all mumbo jumbo that amounts to nothing.

"Feel the real pulse" ... Ok dude you got it. Hook me up


midtownguy70 t1_iua0con wrote

It's only mumbo jumbo to someone who remains willfully ignorant and has no understanding of New York City neighborhoods. Either you are annoyingly young and immature or you have never spent more than a week in New York. "Dude".


kjuneja t1_iua1nsd wrote

Lots of unfounded conjecture from an internet tough guy who gets easily offended ... dude.


midtownguy70 t1_iua2k7e wrote

Refuting absurd recommendations for urban planning by a basement dweller who's cranky because his mom is late with his lunch.


kjuneja t1_iua3c3i wrote

Now you're using ad homs? Yikes.


midtownguy70 t1_iua4gg7 wrote

You must expect a hand job after all that attitude you showed up with


thorenv t1_iu8vinx wrote

It’s not that simple. Mostly the tallest buildings are where the best bedrock is.


SoggyWaffleBrunch t1_iu905ic wrote

> Mostly the tallest buildings are where the best bedrock is.

I've actually heard from a Columbia professor that is an urban legend, despite also being taught that in university myself as an engineer lol

edit -


thorenv t1_iu91oa7 wrote

It is still true where the bedrock is close to the surface. It’s only that you can build up where there is no bedrock too. I mean, if they can build a leaning tower of tech bros in SF I’m sure they can build up Manhattan. But I like the layout as well. The low buildings generally have more character than the glass monsters built since 9/11.