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[deleted] t1_ir1x962 wrote



toTheNewLife t1_ir21lt0 wrote

The NYPD did the same things during the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011. A guy I know said he was just out walking and the cops appeared out of nowhere and blocked access with that orange construction netting. They hauled everyone away to one of the docks on the west side and kept them there for days before any of them saw a judge.


[deleted] t1_ir29v4b wrote



BrieGoneThot t1_ir2bhly wrote

And yet people don't think we live in a police state.

Please tell everyone these stories, they are important.


[deleted] t1_ir2co5d wrote



BrieGoneThot t1_ir2dgo2 wrote

Just saying more to friends and such.

Everyone is programmed from birth with so much overwhelming pro-police propaganda it can be hard to realize how awful they really are.


Rib-I t1_ir3auxs wrote

I think we all want there to be a reliable and fair Justice system, itโ€™s more of a delusion or blind optimism situation.


B-BoyStance t1_ir2vhfm wrote

Sorry that happened to you. If it helps, I'm still fucking pissed about it.

FYI to everyone reading this, this happened to a lot of people in NYC. Cities across the country really. In a bottle, it's enough to spark protests but because it happened during the height of the protests, it feels like it was forgotten.

I was living in Philly and same shit. Heard Chicago and NYC were even worse.

Those PD's will never be able to improve in my mind. I don't see how - those unions are way too powerful and police have special rules that most union members do not. Hope they get chased out of the cities they police and back into the suburbs that they reside. They and their unions are a stain on this country and if they were more human they would probably feel enough shame to have a collective heart attack.


[deleted] t1_ir2vx8q wrote



B-BoyStance t1_ir2we1z wrote

Yep. They treated you guys like cattle. That period of time was the most horrified I've been of events in the US in my lifetime, and the way cops were rounding people up was a big reason for that (again to everyone here: no one knew where these people were taken. I had friends that i lost contact with for days. Had to file missing persons reports. How ironic due to where those reports go). Pretty much convinced me this country will not be coming back.

Still gonna give a shit about it all though.


[deleted] t1_ir2x6q6 wrote



B-BoyStance t1_ir3a0ao wrote

Oh yeah they are and were fine, it's just a ridiculously brazen move. They were arresting, beanbagging, and pepperspraying people who weren't even protesting, let alone rioting. A lot of the cops in Philly were just out there to hurt people because their feelings were hurt, and they were having fun doing it. And since then they haven't even worked.

Anyways - I'm glad to now live in NYC where our police are so much better.... lol. Cheers mate.


planning_throwaway1 t1_ir2zky5 wrote

This didn't happen in NYC, but during Occupy a coworker of mine was biking home after work in Oakland and cops clothes-lined him off his bike, zip tied him, tossed him in a van and took him a whole county over

Dude just had a black hoodie on and was only guilty of living in the general vicinity of Occupy Oakland and apparently that was all it took

He missed the next day of work and had to call in from jail

Cops lie all the time. They arrest people without probable cause. All. The. Time. They can't be trusted, and they absolutely will do whatever it takes to spin things in their favor and most media outlets generally go along with it

People in this subreddit will often act otherwise, but during the BLM protests the cops were putting out overwhelming shows of force for every little tiny demonstration, while simultaneously looking the other way when looters were hitting up 5th ave. They absolutely had the manpower to prevent opportunistic looting like that, they just choose not to because they know damn well who will get blamed for it. Whether crime goes up or down doesn't matter, they spin it to their benefit either way

All cops care about is maintaining and growing their own power, that's it. They don't care about helping you, or preventing crime, or keeping the city safe at all. As far as they're concerned, you're all sheep, civilians, potential perps, and anything they do to you is justified just because, occasionally, they actually arrest someone who deserved it

I'm personally convinced the overwhelming and unaccountable power local police has accumulated in the US is a direct threat to democracy, but here we are still shoveling billions their way while everything else crumbles


cnoelle94 t1_ir2eq6k wrote

Totally have seen a situation like this before my own eyes. I'm sorry you went through this, FishBattle


b0xtarts t1_ir25qtw wrote

Preach!!!! they 100% are a gang of criminals


BrieGoneThot t1_ir2b15c wrote

Biggest gang on the planet and the entire city is held hostage.

Pat Lynch has caused more harm to this city than Bin Laden.


AM_collects t1_ir2ygua wrote

I was falsely arrested for assault charges when I was protecting myself from a drunk guy who spit on me. Im a 20 year old college student who has never been in trouble with the law. I end up in bookings for 28 hours. Terrible conditions. Terrible isnโ€™t even the word. Smells like shit and piss in the entire building. Gets more potent as your in the cell. ๐Ÿ‘ There are innocent people being put into bookings and being treated like criminals. THIS IS RIDICULOUS.


AM_collects t1_ir35kqe wrote

Walked into my deli and the cashier said the same thing ๐Ÿ˜‚. Thank you ๐Ÿ™. Donโ€™t wish it on anyone.


MiscellaneousWorker t1_ir2msw6 wrote

Really sorry you had to go through that. I can only imagine how awful it must feel to be mixed up into something you didn't have any involvement in to such a ridiculous degree.


r55r44 t1_ir4vfwt wrote

Fuck the NYPD, most incompetent, lazy, selfish people I've ever met.


BrockAtWork t1_ir52p16 wrote

This exact thing happened to my good friend during the bush administration. He and his wife were walking near a protest. Got thrown in jail overnight. They won a 20k class action settlement years later about it.
