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SolitaryMarmot t1_iubi9r3 wrote

Yeah God forbid the Dept of Health mandate ever larger health care systems stop closing their behavioral health beds and treatment centers as a condition of getting millions in taxpayer funds annually.

I mean...won't someone please think of Karen's labradoodle?!


4thdimensionaltwat t1_iucpc07 wrote

Almost agree.

Humans should be compassionate to other humans & we should be implementing better systems to help the humans who have troubles but let’s fucking face it - HUMANS have a choice & make the CONSCIOUS DECISION to do the drugs that cause them these troubles - but “Karen’s doodle” & all the other innocent fucking creatures harmed by the humans disgusting behaviors, have NO CHOICE - they are helpless & live their lives dependent on us higher evolved beings - so, yes, some of us give a bunch of fucks for the sentient fuzzy muffins suffering at the hands of lazy fuckin druggies who can’t be bothered to at least clean up after themselves. This all coming from an addict currently in recovery.

You can fucking give a shit about the broken souls of the world while also noting that their choices are causing harm to others who don’t deserve it & want to help both groups.



SolitaryMarmot t1_iud8lz4 wrote

Wow. Addiction is a medical problem with a protocol of treatment. It's not a personality flaw. The national litigation against Purdue and the Sackler family laid bare how far some drug dealers are willing to go to get rich. And yes addiction hurts others. They hurt children. They impact local school and health care systems. It's actually tragic and we need to so a much better job treating people and caring for the people affected long term.

There's plenty of work on addiction that explains that. A story about a designer dog that shouldn't exist anyway stepping on a needle is so mind numbingly stupid. And it's an in your face reminder that rich, white transplants care less about the people who have the least health care resources to fix a problem that was directly targeted on them....then their stupid labradoodle.