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Tunto_Bungus t1_itytin2 wrote

I wish any of our protesting meant anything anymore. But these people know the begging is only peaceful, and they will wait the screams and begs for any change out in their ivory towers while sneering.


_Maxolotl t1_itz72m7 wrote

A recent Harvard study concludes nonviolent protest is no longer statistically more likely to succeed than armed insurrection.


LoneStarTallBoi t1_itz8wmz wrote

It never was! The whole point of nonviolent protest was to say "please give us what we want before we stop being nonviolent" but it got twisted into "if you can't accomplish it with polite chanting, it isn't worth doing"


_Maxolotl t1_itzg96y wrote

Actually the study I linked to is by a professor whose findings were, broadly, that from the mid to late 20th century nonviolent protest was more successful than insurrection, but then the bastards figured out how to counter nonviolent protest effectively, and by the early 21st century nonviolent protest and insurrection were about equally effective, but the efficacy of nonviolent protest is continuing to weaken.


NoGround t1_iu1r2it wrote

Countering nonviolent protests will eventually bite them in the ass. Maybe not in our lifetime but bloody revolutions are unstoppable tides once the dam breaks.


indirectdelete t1_iu0htlh wrote

Very relevant quote from Your Politics Are Boring As Fuck

“The truth is, your politics are boring to them because they really are irrelevant. They know that your antiquated styles of protest—your marches, hand held signs, and gatherings—are now powerless to effect real change because they have become such a predictable part of the status quo. They know that your post-Marxist jargon is off-putting because it really is a language of mere academic dispute, not a weapon capable of undermining systems of control. They know that your infighting, your splinter groups and endless quarrels over ephemeral theories can never effect any real change in the world they experience from day to day. They know that no matter who is in office, what laws are on the books, what "ism"s the intellectuals march under, the content of their lives will remain the same. They—we—know that our boredom is proof that these "politics" are not the key to any real transformation of life. For our lives are boring enough already!”


ripstep1 t1_itz4ctq wrote

Why would the protests mean anything in the first place?


Tunto_Bungus t1_itza3jh wrote

In the past, it was a plea to the upper classes to acknowledge the stance of the lower classes OR ELSE. Now there's no or else. Governments serve strictly the wealthy, so they weaponize military and police forces against any inkling of an "OR ELSE" occurring.

Protests no longer serve a purpose. If anything, its just one more thing for your rich white boomer uncle to whine about being "disrespected" for at the Thanksgiving table.


PoopyPicker t1_iu0gen9 wrote

I would argue picketing outside in your designated spot is ineffective. People forget civil disobedience meant nonviolently breaking the law, getting arrested en mass, and disrupting services to be noticed.


ripstep1 t1_iu1inlr wrote

This is a private company. They already support environmental initiatives. Maybe these people should picket outside of actual companies that damage the environment


Tunto_Bungus t1_iu1n6j9 wrote

Are you thinking of the blackrock this is referring to? Or like deliberately disregarding a fucking mountain of evidence against them?


ripstep1 t1_iu1o8jj wrote

Evidence again them in terms of what?


NoGround t1_iu1rfyn wrote

It takes 3 seconds to find anything on Blackrock provided you've at least heard of them.


ripstep1 t1_iu3517w wrote

Yeah nothing in that video was particularly concerning to me. Your comment gives me a distinct “capitalism = bad” energy


Tunto_Bungus t1_iu3r9qe wrote

When was capitalism ever good...?


sleeptrain123 t1_iu46r9l wrote

Perhaps by raising the living standards of billions of people?


ripstep1 t1_iu4acuf wrote

Since forever? You are posting on a website which is a pure capitalist endeavor in the first place.


NoGround t1_iu5hqo3 wrote

It does nothing of the sort. It is literally a link to a video about what BlackRock is and blunt statement telling you to go look it up yourself since your tone is the opposite of someone who will be convinced of any facts thrown in your face. I have no desire to talk with someone with a tone like that, since it is a waste of time and energy. If you are interested, you will look it up on your own.

Every system has its good and bad sides. Capitalism, like every other system that strives to reach an ideal, needs checks and balances in order to not become a rampant cancer of itself due to human intervention.


Pool_Shark t1_iu0nr3a wrote

Protests are legal because it lets people feel like they are doing something. Without a legal form of protesting people would be more quick to resort to violence which is the only thing that scares the rich