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mrdnp123 t1_iu0mtus wrote

Despite changing their ways and investing billions into renewable resources, screw them? They’re leading the way lol renewables will only take hold when companies invest in it. Which they’re doing. Meanwhile these spoilt brats achieve nothing. Be the change you wanna see. Blocking escalators isn’t doing shit


bored_and_scrolling t1_iu0w2bt wrote

They will ONLY do what makes their stakeholders money. you’re delusional if you think they’d do anything good for the world in lieu of profits. You’ll literally get booted from the board for that. On rare occasion those two things will coincide, what is good for the planet / public and what makes money but in the OVERWHELMING majority of situations what is good for the private profits of blackrock is NOT good for the public


Slight-Food-1151 t1_iu3xwj6 wrote

Well we are going to run out of oil so we have to move to renewables. What's good for the environment is also good for black rock in the long term. Wind, solar, and nuclear energy as well as electric cars are the future.


Shivari t1_iu0vpqa wrote

“Don’t protest, just post online running cover for wealth hoarders”

Ok, thanks!

Seriously if you think Blackrock is even .1% benevolent I have a bridge to sell you