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tmakalinao OP t1_isq17ei wrote

Thanks, this is great! This is a solo project for me right now, so doing all the developing, UI/UX, and data collections so ill use this as a reference when i improve the look!

Definitely aligns with what i’m trying to build. Not just salaries, but just the fundamental belief that people need more transparency.


Superb-Antelope-2880 t1_isrk662 wrote

If you are looking for a job as a web/software developer this is a good project to show and you are definite above most college graduates I have been interviewing.


tmakalinao OP t1_istbmru wrote

Thanks! I actually work full-time in Strategy/Ops. Learned to code in college, but hadn’t done anything with it for 5 years. This was my first real project after picking it up again 6 months ago! However, more keen actually on UI/UX thinking, my Figma sketches have been improving everyday.


Superb-Antelope-2880 t1_iswbhxz wrote

Our design team is also looking to hire.

If you ever want to get your resume in let me know; or if you want to stay anonymous just let me see some samples and I can mention you to our lead designer and ask if I can give their LinkedIn to you.