It’s Been 10 Years Since Sandy. Is New York Any More Prepared for the Next Superstorm?
motherjones.comSubmitted by trueslicky t3_yhxhyf in nyc
Submitted by trueslicky t3_yhxhyf in nyc
No. Thanks for asking.
Mood lol
Not with that attitude.
Have you tried nukes ?
what ever happened to building oyster reefs in the harbor?
Yup. We have barely done a thing, but there have been many meetings.
Not with that attitude you can’t.
After seeing the hundreds of abandoned cars alongside the deegan after ida I'd give the question a resounding no
Not at all
after what happened last year with IDA we are pretty badly underprepared for another large storm, much less a storm that hits as hard as sandy did. alot of the infrastructure that NYC put in place after Sandy has aged out and become obsolete as alot of these assets were purchased almost ten years ago and have not been used since. DOT put some special porous pavement down in flood prone areas but they are currently looking for ways to maintain that pavement.
I don't need to open the article to know the answer is no. Investing in wastewater capacity, sewers, and coastal flood protection is not sexy. Politicians only like sexy projects, something big and shiny. Moving poop and rainwater under the streets is not sexy (except to stormwater engineering enthusiasts). Closing off most of FIDI's eastern promenade to build flood protection seems to be quite disliked too. Admitting that the MTA paid for rain water protections and then did not train crews or maintain equipment was a shitshow too. They'd rather just admit they are too lazy to do anything, let the poop water flow into the stations and then ask the federal government for a disaster bailout.
“Whenever a headline asks a question, the answer is ‘no.’”
...and at full moon. You can't forget that...
OutrageousGarbage743 t1_iug7bcn wrote
You can’t stop Mother Nature