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Lovat69 t1_iri8zqz wrote

Like, is this true? I was just reading an article of the same thing happening in Canadian cities where the ccp were calling them "service" centers but neither one really came from what I would call reputable sources.


MiskatonicDreams t1_irjole6 wrote

As a Chinese person, I highly doubt it is true. Like if I am in the states and get harassed by them, I’ll call 911 lmao.


Ab2us t1_irl5pes wrote

isn't that the job of the feds not the cops?


TeamMisha t1_irjyebt wrote

I would believe it. If I recall, the Tibetan community living in NYC for example was explicitly warned about infiltration, spying, and harassment from the CCP who wants them to believe they are not safe to speak freely even here in the US