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neodymiumPUSSYmagnet t1_irieiiv wrote

Is this really that shocking? This is common practice with just about every world government. Hell, even the NYPD has intelligence offices all over the globe.


sumiveg t1_irileym wrote

They don’t monitor Americans overseas and threaten their families back home though.


MarbleFox_ t1_irjuimf wrote

I guarantee you the CIA, NSA, DHS, etc. monitor overseas Americans and will show up and harass you a bit if they perceive that you’re engaging in “anti-American” sentiment. They already illegally do it on US soil, I can’t imagine why the wouldn’t also do it on foreign soil where they aren’t subject to US law.


Rakonas t1_irj2qtu wrote

You literally can be charged with tax evasion for not paying us taxes when you've left


sumiveg t1_irjbyo5 wrote

Are you really comparing what the Chinese government does to their citizens abroad to what the US does? Absurd.


Ok_Extreme_6512 t1_irk2tk4 wrote

Absurd to be blind to the horrible track record the US has on human rights at home and abroad


Rakonas t1_irlm6xu wrote

It's this circular logic that everything [foreign country] does is uniquely bad and different from anything bad that the US does, where the former is because that country is inherent bad and the latter is despite the US being inherently good. There is no amount of horrible shit the US can do that will dispel this notion for some people.


araararagi-san t1_irljx5a wrote

US has killed their citizens and their families with trial-less drone strikes overseas, don't be dense


sumiveg t1_irncyih wrote

Well, I guess in light of Obama’s drone war, Chinese surveillance and oppression of its citizens throughout the world is perfectly acceptable.


araararagi-san t1_irnlczy wrote

I've simply disproved your claim that the US "don’t monitor Americans overseas"


sumiveg t1_irpj1l2 wrote

My claim was that they don’t monitor and then threaten their families back home. If you honestly believe there’s any kind of parity between what the OP is about and the way the US monitors it’s citizens abroad and threatens them then I don’t know what to tell you.


araararagi-san t1_irpxk5p wrote

> they don’t monitor

how do you kill someone with a drone strike if you haven't monitored them?


Rpanich t1_iriu81o wrote

Yes, it’s very uncommon and a violation of human rights and international law.

> Although the CCP claims the stations are meant to keep an eye on ‘fraud and telecom fraud’ committed by citizens living aboard, the human rights group condemned the stations.

>Laura Harth, the Safeguard Defenders’ campaign manager, said it was shocking to learn that China was carrying out police operations in foreign countries.

>‘I think it shows how brazen the CCP is getting and how little regard they have for other governments,’ she told . ‘It’s in violation of international law, it’s in violation of territorial sovereign.’