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PuzzleheadedWalrus71 t1_irl3dml wrote

As I'm sitting here thinking about closing the valve because I don't have enough windows to open to cool my place down. People in my building have their air conditioners on right now.


NadzInTheCity t1_irl4yxb wrote

I’m sitting here reading this with my AC on because the radiator is literally hotter than hell


Troy_Ounces t1_irrgk7g wrote

Dude i’m getting cooked lately. I need the outside temp to drop another 30 degrees before it balances out. I get home from work and my apartment is 85 degrees. I moved here from florida FOR THIS!?


redditorium t1_irlaok8 wrote

It is insane and terribly wasteful


Han-Shot_1st t1_irnnqz3 wrote

I’d be super curious to know, if anyone has ever done a study on the wasted energy/resources?


Traditional_Way1052 t1_iro1fzg wrote

It irks me a lot... In winter, I have to dress in short sleeves to be comfortable and then in summer I need a sweater... But if the seasons were reversed somehow that's not ok. Seems very wasteful to use that much still have to use clothing to change your body temperature after all. lol


Carmilla31 t1_irm9g3o wrote

One day i came home from work in the winter and looked at the thermostat and it said 87 degrees lol.


Cj_Joker t1_irmwoef wrote

If you're talking the big cast iron radiant heaters, you're supposed to use a cotton or wool cover with this, which restricts the airflow through the heater, and lessens the actual radiant heat. You're not supposed to use open windows to balance things out (although that does help keep fresh air in the place and lowers the chance of illness).

Covering the units helps preserve the heat capacity in the system and allows people further down the line to receive more heat, as opposed to having to absolutely crank up the heat in order to get at least a small amount of it to the end of the line, when they're all just exposed and blazing away.

They used to sell covers specifically for this back in the day... not sure why this just fell to the wayside.

And do not use synthetic materials on it.


im_not_bovvered t1_irrt247 wrote

With all of my windows open and the radiators going, it's still minimum of 85 degrees in my apt if I don't run my A/C. I can't turn either of my radiators off (I have two and a heating pole).

There really should be a maximum indoor temperature rule too.


mule_roany_mare t1_irmkapx wrote

If you don’t want to close the valve on your steam radiator see if the owner will install a TRV, Con Ed gives them out free/cheap & it’s a 5 minute install.

They go where the air valve is now & work the same way, except they have a wax seal that closes when the room is too warm. After a cycle or two when the radiator can’t vent the air it will keep most of the steam from entering.

If some villain noticed it was too hot & put a piece of electrical tape over the vent it would keep 90% of the steam from entering.


Bertie_Woo t1_irnigjb wrote

You can ask your super to install an air release plug or smaller orifice. Opening the window is not ideal since all the humidity will escape and dry you out.