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im_not_bovvered t1_irsrlaf wrote

I literally told you exactly what my setup is in an earlier comment.

I have one of these:

And two radiators that cannot be turned off (the knobs don't work) that are covered with metal covers that are fused to the wall and cannot be removed.

I do not control when the heat is on or off in my building, so why does it matter what kind of boiler I have? I don't control it. Unless my super replaces my radiators (not going to happen) or sets them up with a temperature control (again, not going to happen - I have asked) or I can control the boiler (I don't), there's nothing I, a tenant, can do. If it's cold, call 311. If it's too hot, tough - there is no maximum heat law in New York City. Literally the only things I can do is open my windows, which is how these buildings were designed for combating illness, and run my a/c.

If you are familiar with radiator/steam heat in NYC you know exactly what a heating pole is and you're just being pedantic. I am confident about the building set up that I LIVE IN and how the heat works in my apartment building. Stop trying to gaslight me. This is not my first pre-war apartment with steam heat.


mule_roany_mare t1_irssi01 wrote

No one is gaslighting you.

You just don’t know as much as you think you do. You don’t need to control the boiler or the valve to prevent heat from entering your radiator.

Your options are different depending on what type of heat you have which can be determined by your radiator.

All the stuff you keep saying isn’t what’s relevant.

Enjoy your heat