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SIGNW t1_irrcnzm wrote

LOL, good luck shouting into the void with this one. Getting drivers to be aware of humans around them is apparently such a hard ask, let alone stationary bikes. As you mentioned, these large SUVs have such large over-hood blind spots that they love to gobble up small children:

You also have to love the marketing about it: instead of regulating visibility guidelines, we have a created a phrase for an incident where "Oops I ran over a child".

I had my Ducati knocked over in the 30min it took to get a haircut. It was parked in front of an apartment building with a good 5-7 feet on both sides, but it appeared to have been backed into, likely by the SUV that was parked in front of it. One cracked fairing, bent clutch lever, either a cracked clutch reservoir or even a damaged MC, plus a broken shifter such that I couldn't even limp home. I ended up taking the subway back home, grabbing my toolkit, coming back, and having to do repairs in the dark by this point. But I managed to get into first for the entire ride home. I had also called the police precinct 2 blocks over to file a report, but no officers came by during this entire ordeal of 2+ hours, as I had wanted to file a report to request the apartment building to turn over the security camera footage that it was parked in front of. When I had first inquired about the footage with the doorman on duty, they just shrugged, so I assumed that the driver was a resident and the building wasn't going to cooperate short of a subpoena.