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ITEACHSPECIALED t1_irrrdti wrote

I have two dudes on my block that use their motorcycles to save spots for their family members by parking them parallel in between cars to save maximum space.

Annoying af.


___pa___ OP t1_irrs1i9 wrote

And illegal. They must be perpendicular to the curb at max 35 degree angle with one wheel touching the curb.

However what's the difference between that and cars holding spaces? If those two bikes were cars then there would be three spaces taken not one. Motorcycles are not parking hogs, and most families don't have two bikes to use to hold parking spaces.


ITEACHSPECIALED t1_iry37j1 wrote

That's annoying af too. Especially when a few of your neighbors drive cabs and have multiple family cars. Finding parking where I live is fucked.

I have neighbors that have space in their driveway for two cars and will park both cars on the street to save spaces for their family members.

I have one car, no garage, and usually have to park two to three blocks from my building.