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TeamMisha t1_it88auh wrote

Can you read the article, it's literally right here:

>LGBTQ+ people in New York who suffer disproportionately from poverty and isolation now have access to more services.

If you have millions in your retirement account this is not gonna affect you, this is for poor people and those with HIV. If I read this right, it just means income alone is not used to determine need (and that makes sense, income level alone is not the full indication of who may need services). No this is not opening the flood gates for wealthy retirees to state benefits just by claiming they are gay.


Unable-Ad3852 t1_it8lhxf wrote

> If I read this right, it just means income alone is not used to determine need..

Either way this is wrong and that's the problem. I don't have millions to retire and wouldn't be this but hurt if i did. The way in which this is phrased is like any other handout NY does. We have enough to serve 10000 people and we go by income in ascending order. By changing the rules someone with more income can jump in line to someone with less if they declare LGBTQ+. It doesn't specify what rules they apply now nor how much more income is the cutoff. They just let you know that because some poor people are LGBTQ+ they will discriminate against anyone who isn't and we should be ok with it because of equity.