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Carmilla31 t1_is1bxzd wrote

This should be posted on r/dogpoop


BrieGoneThot t1_is1cjap wrote

95% of dog owners in this city suck.


Scrapdog115 t1_is1cplq wrote

I only leave human poop on the sidewalk. Picked up after my dog all the time.


The_Lone_Apple t1_is1cttt wrote

At least we're not going back to the "Curb Your Dog" days when people would not do so at all.


hillbillydeluxe t1_is1dfz1 wrote

I love dogs to death, but I have a feeling if I get one I will somehow make acquaintances with someone who does this. That alone is enough to put me off from getting a dog, they fucking suck.


attackplango t1_is1f65a wrote

Good thing it wasn’t my dog’s then. Phew!


-DiligentDuck- t1_is1gdc5 wrote

Thank you. I walk around my neighborhood and it’s a decently clean neighborhood. However, there’s poop at times and you can see that people just step on it and make a HUGE mess. When my dog poops I always pick it up no matter what. It shows the type of people they are and I wouldn’t even want to step in their home. They are the type to have 4,5 or 6 cups in their room. I don’t want my neighborhood being covered in shit.


Aljowoods103 t1_is1gppw wrote

I have never, ever ONCE seen a dog poo in the street and the owner not pick it up. Ever. Not claiming it doesn't happen, but judging 500,000+ people based on your own limited experience is pretty weak.


TegrityBoots t1_is1gt9z wrote

I disagree. Even 5%-10% of them sucking means a crap load of crap on the sidewalk. The good ones probably hate the bad ones more than most people seeing as we probably tend to step in shit accidentally more often since our dogs do their business in the same areas.


frishdaddy t1_is1gtf4 wrote

Hmm maladjusted, inconsiderate assholes in New York? That doesn’t sound right.


HEIMDVLLR t1_is1ha6c wrote

We require small children and adults with medical issues to wear diapers. So it won’t hurt to require dogs to wear a diaper while outside/inside public spaces.


winkster512 t1_is1hn0t wrote

It should be a jailable offense, it's EVERYWHERE.


Fact-Cyborg t1_is1hvk0 wrote

I watched a man let his dog pee on potted plants being sold outside a corner store. The guy saw it happening and did not give a shit. Like fuck that guy. Also fuck anyone letting their dogs pee in the tree bed. No, it isn't good for the plants and more importantly it is not your property. I don't want to dig into the fucking piss soil to plant flowers every spring. I yell at anyone who does this in an attempt to publicly embarrass them for being shit humans.


sladester66 t1_is1hwu8 wrote

As I dog owner I 100% agree, it’s so annoying / inconsiderate / unsanitary. If you can’t clean up properly, don’t have a dog in the city.


FarmSuch5021 t1_is1hzh0 wrote

I saw a video where a woman refused to pick up dog shit. The other woman just picked up that shit and threw it to her face 😂


utamog t1_is1jl5k wrote

Can we get the same amount of anger for bums shitting and pissing on the streets in broad day light in front of our kids?


fieldysnuts94 t1_is1jr0d wrote

Not even just that, picking it up in the baggie and then leaving the bag in the ground. Like what’s the point?


PorchHonky t1_is1jt5f wrote

This sub sure picks some weird hills to die on.


roaring_rubberducky t1_is1k0q4 wrote

I walk the streets of Brooklyn a lot. Like a lot. And it’s everywhere. People always say the city smells like piss and this and that. The amount of people I see letting their dogs just pee and poop anywhere then please is terrible. I love dogs but these owners suck big time.


MikeGLC t1_is1mvh7 wrote

Gotta put back up the curb after your dog signs again like the old days and fine a few people to get the message across.

Doubt anyone would support someone who doesn't clean up after their dog.


a-chips-dip t1_is1n57o wrote

people who own pitbulls


WorthPrudent3028 t1_is1neij wrote

Came here to ask this same question. Leaving a baggie on the ground is worse. At least the rain will wash away shit that isn't in a bag. Why even collect it in a bag in the first place?

My thought is that they plan not to pick it up, but feel shamed into it when someone walks by. So they pick it up and then toss the bag after that person passes instead of carrying it to a trash can.


easymidas60 t1_is1non3 wrote

The punishment should be 2 part. First the owner gets dog poop mushed in their face. Then the owner has to watch while their dog is put down….Cue downvotes.


nydjason t1_is1qulg wrote

Up where I live, the city took out the trash bins in certain corners. I have no idea why they’d do this. Sometimes you go 2-3 blocks without a trash bin. This makes some do half ass work with poop bags being thrown in the ground. So now you have a poop bag that’s never going to get picked up by anyone. Fuckin assholes.