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drpvn t1_iu5ogp1 wrote

>We must also pay attention to the shocking racial disparities in our city’s jails. Black and Latinx people make up 52% of the New York City population but about 90% of jail admissions. Bolstering resources in neighborhoods of color disproportionately affected by incarceration will help those communities support their returning neighbors as we reduce incarceration.

The racial disparities in our city's jails is a reflection of the demographics of the most serious offenders. So, too, are the racial disparities among the victims of violence on this city.

>In 2020, Black New Yorkers, who make up about 24 percent of the city’s population, were the victims in 65 percent of murders and 74 percent of shootings. They were also the largest racial demographic among victims of felony assault and rape.


elizabeth-cooper t1_iu5pb4o wrote

Victims don't matter. Did you see the part of the essay where he slams absenteeism but excuses wife beating?


drpvn t1_iu5q8kq wrote

These vague complaints about “mass incarceration,” as if nothing has changed in NY or NYC in the last 30 years, are essentially criminal justice reform copypasta. By far, the most common charge that defendants in Rikers are locked up on is murder/manslaughter and attempted murder/manslaughter. Want to set them all loose? Pray for their families and neighbors.


cakeschristmas t1_iu6bb4i wrote

Do you have a source for the statement about the most common charge?


cakeschristmas t1_iu6bvn4 wrote

These are stats for the entire NYC Department of Corrections. It doesn't say the word "Rikers" once anywhere.


Grass8989 t1_iu6ds7w wrote

Rikers is the only place that accused murderers get locked up at in this city, it’s implied.


drpvn t1_iu6jd21 wrote

Are you familiar with NYC’s jail system?


bellaboozle t1_iu6obvh wrote

He did not slam anyone or excuse wife beating.

He said CO’s often do not come to work due to unlimited sick leave and not wanting to be there. He then gave several examples of the side effects of absenteeism.

He also said CO’s cared about the inmates and some world work 3 shifts back to back to make sure the inmates got showers, to see their family, etc.

He said CO’s started to commit crimes themselves.

It seemed a well rounded piece. He wants to invest money in the community and not Rikers.


elizabeth-cooper t1_iubdc7v wrote

>Many correctional officers came to us as decent, hard-working people eager to make a difference. But during my tenure, dozens of officers were arrested for crimes like drunk driving, discharging their weapons dangerously, and spousal or child abuse. In my view, somewhere between the onboarding of fresh-faced recruits and these arrests, the trauma they experienced on Rikers contributed to their illegal behavior.

This is excusing their crimes.


blockdenied t1_iu81ndc wrote

Are you saying that black communities and more affected by crime because of their income status and the place they live? Oh my, I wonder if we already knew that ever since the end of time here in NYC.

Also "latinx" is a whitewashing term.


GoRangers5 t1_iu79dzq wrote

No question, we need to arrest more whites.
