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Rottimer t1_iu6ekdb wrote

you mean charged with pretty serious offenses because we have reduced the number of people we keep behind bars awaiting trial for misdemeanors. It most certainly wasn't the case before bail reform where far more people would be sent to the island for non-violent offenses.

Further, "by and large" still means that there are people sitting in Rikers for non-serious offenses. And some people are put there entirely illegally.


drpvn t1_iu6hkyd wrote

I’d have to check the data—surely there were a lot more people in Rikers charged with non-violent crimes, but I’m not sure how many. It’s knowable info from the DOC reports, though.

When you have a city of 8.5 million people, and bail reform prevents any jail time for non-violent offenders (regardless of how many repeat offenses), the 5,000 who are left in the system are very hard cases.

But yet all we hear from the progressive left is “mass incarceration.”


IKNWMORE t1_iu8mrrj wrote

No one is going to Rikers for Petit larceny. They might be going their for Petit Larceny + bench warrant etc. but they aren’t ending up in jail for non violent crimes.


Rottimer t1_iu8pcrc wrote

At least read the link. Your feeling don’t change what’s actually going on.