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KaiDaiz t1_itl76yv wrote

Should raise the millionaire tax to start at 2M properties and make it easier to refinance without tax for loans under 2M. 1M properties are actually avg units in most markets here.


NetQuarterLatte t1_itl7ve9 wrote

>Should raise the millionaire tax to start at 2M properties and make it easier to refinance without tax for loans under 2M. 1M properties are actually avg units in most markets here.

I think we should make the following:

If you don't own any home, and you're currently renting in NYC (primary residency), then eliminate or greatly reduce those taxes.

If you already own multiple properties (maybe with some exception for families who are upgrading into a bigger home and may temporarily "own" two homes in the same year) or are buying via an LCC, you don't get any tax discount. Or even pay some extra.