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movingtobay2019 t1_itm36rh wrote

>Pay them better, attract and retain staff, its not that hard

Yes it is hard. It's one thing to say "pay them better". It's another to actually find the money to pay them better. Where you going to get that money?

This is what happens when feels meet fiscal reality.


TeamMisha t1_itmkeg8 wrote

Dunno, that's the legislatures job. They can't make programs in a vacuum without budget, it is up to them. Obvi no one wants to be the unpopular one to raise taxes, but sometimes you have no choice if you can't shift money around.


movingtobay2019 t1_itmm30z wrote

Don't disagree but the problem is budget for housing attorneys is pretty low on the list for not just politicians but really the taxpayers.

If you ask 100 people on the street random for their top 3 concerns, I doubt anyone would say "budget for housing attorneys"


OverlordXenu t1_itm9fwn wrote

> Where you going to get that money?

IDK, maybe the nypd? maybe force NYPD settlements to come out of their budget? their budget this year is literally over $10billion, and they do fuck all.


movingtobay2019 t1_itmkase wrote

Regardless of your feelings for the NYPD, no city / state agency is going to willingly let their budget get cut.

So yea, you aren't just going to "pay them better".


OverlordXenu t1_itow4d4 wrote

damn, crazy, i didn't realize the nypd decided the city's budget.


Mortigi t1_itndwjs wrote

Landlord should be required to cover all tenants legal fees. Problem solved.
