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maverick4002 t1_iuejgmx wrote

Lol I went out last night and I must say, NYers are creative as fuck. I've seen so many amazing get-ups....and way too many Spidermen


Maria-Stryker t1_iuf3r36 wrote

He’s an unofficial mascot of the city


thisjawnisbeta t1_iufrik0 wrote

That's because it's basically the only city where he's an effective crime fighter. You can't have Spiderman in low-density suburbs with single family homes. Nothing to swing on.


FeistyButthole t1_iufurm6 wrote

Rural Spider-Man has prevented many farm accidents with his sticky web. He just misses 98% of the incidents due to commute times and sells few comics, but If you’re within 100 feet of a silo you’re good.


Luke90210 t1_iugdgo8 wrote

Ironic as Peter Parker is from Forest Hills and not the part near tall buildings nor elevated trains.


NYCB1RDY t1_iuiemxo wrote

Actually he's from Sunnyside


Luke90210 t1_iuifkz3 wrote

Uncle Ben, Aunt May and young Peter Parker lived at 20 Ingram Street in Forest Hills Gardens.


NYCB1RDY t1_iujco9j wrote

But the 2000 movie where he starts to swing and smack to a wall, that's at Sunnyside


spiderLAN t1_iugnl4q wrote

Granted, I'm bias, but if Spider-Man came sprinting at you right out of a cornfield, you would shit your rural pants.


dozosucks t1_iugqcx2 wrote

swinging ain’t a problem tbh, he can probably easily outrun cars


TheAffiliateOrder t1_iuh3xwc wrote

He slingshots, using his webs.
He's done it before in comics and he did it during civil war when they fought in the airfield.
He shoots webs on either side and stretches them and I'd imagine he'd just do that over and over really fast and gain intertia.


RepresentativeAge444 t1_iuhyi7u wrote

This is funny but he can lift like 10 tons is incredibly fast and agile a genius and his webbing has the tensile strength of steel. He’s fine fighting crime anywhere.


cubanohermano t1_iuf67ty wrote

The unofficial official mascot of NYC


spiderLAN t1_iufj0bp wrote

The unofficial official friendly neighborhood mascot of Queens and the surrounding boroughs.


benzado t1_iuh10ny wrote

One year a friend of mine did Halloween as J. Jonah Jameson. Spent all night demanding pictures of Spider-Man. It was epic.


TheAffiliateOrder t1_iuh41oc wrote

This would crack me up.
I just imagine everyone shitfaced at a bar and this guy coming up and being like "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR BOBA TEA EXPERIENCE, I WANT PICTURES OF SPIDERMAN!!"