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PrestigiousSoup129 t1_isfzcd7 wrote

You can ask if she knows a single name of the four people that have murdered in September and October on public transit, and if she's aware Charles Alvin, the man that killed Tommy Bailey, stabbed someone last year, and was neither detained nor referred for hospitalization.

Ask her why she intervened to see to in Bui Van Pui, the level 3 sex ofender that sucker punched a man into a coma, had charges downgraded to a misdemeanor so that he was released immediately, despite being a registered SO - why she intervened for that one case, when there are 1,000 cases like that in NYC every month. How many in the whole state?

Ask her why she had to intervene, when the man violated parole and she signed Less is More into law with the promise it would only benefit people who were guilty of "technical violations" (a lie from the beginning)

Ask her why she own't debate Lee Zeldin in a public forum all can see, not for some charity.

Neither she nor the legislator have any plans to deal with crime but to make things worse. Maybe people should stop re-electing them.