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Phaedrusnyc t1_iv8cqel wrote

If if you want an idea of what you're getting when you deal with a "host" just lurk at the subs for AirBnB and AirBnB hosts where the posts are fairly evenly divided among 1. "I'm a host and everyone who says it's gone downhill is a paid shill for the hotel industry," 2. "I'm a host and I hate the people who stay at my place because they make me work after they're gone," and 3. "I'm a 'host' who owns 30+ rental properties but seriously I'm just a little guy trying to get ahead," with the rest of them being people sharing why they will never use the service again (me included--when it was a side gig for people I was happy to throw some money their way and save a buck but now it's "their business" and "their business" only exists because the business model is to skirt common sense regulations, break laws, and exploit people).

Nothing turns you against an enterprise faster than watching unfiltered people whining about how hard their lives are when they do nothing but utilize the extra capital they have to "invest" in hoarded housing stock and pay non-union housekeepers. They're neck-and-neck with the r/landlords sub when it comes to clueless people who don't seem to understand that people can read what they write when they tell on themselves.

Of course, the article is also useful for the comments, because, predictably, the Post readership understands nothing other than "liberuls did it so they must be taking away muh liberties."