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socialcommentary2000 t1_ivaysxm wrote

Wouldn't you? Why not? Put yourself in the position of being an established hotelier. You've gone through the capital costs to be above board in running an enterprise. You're insured and indemnified against loss, you've taken the proper code steps for things like safety and food handling standards. You've developed relationships with suppliers and cetera et cetera.

You've done all this and then a matchmaking app that's specifically there to get around all of that built up structure comes along. Now, the neat thing is, in the end, it's not really affecting your bottom line. This has been borne out, it's not a theoretical. Hotels are not suffering because of AirBnB.

Wouldn't you twist the knife just to make a point?

I would. Alls fair in love and commerce, eh?


crek42 t1_ivb1pe3 wrote

I mean all you have to do is google it. Hotels aggressively lobby against short term rental regulations.