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TeamMisha t1_ivwf3ky wrote

Expand where? You gonna volunteer your house be demolished to build the new highway entrance 🤔?


[deleted] t1_ivwgoz2 wrote



TeamMisha t1_ivwgux4 wrote

Right, so where do you propose expansion? Basically 99% of land is already occupied, unless you wanna knock down more homes along the LIE to add lanes


[deleted] t1_ivwhojl wrote



TeamMisha t1_ivwi5m2 wrote

You're joking right? I'm gonna assume you're being satirical.... I hope. Adding more lanes to the LIE would not help, that's already been proven by traffic engineers for decades.

> I don’t really care what has to go.

I think the people that live there do, you realize destroying homes nowadays for highways, here in NYC at least, is an absolute non-starter right? You'd be up your ass in lawsuits before you even hit the planning phase, let alone begun the probably 5-10 year environmental review.


[deleted] t1_ivwj7mq wrote



NicksOnMars t1_ivwl16i wrote

Gtfo, suburbanite. If you study modern urban planning, you would know that cars destroy cities. Also, nyc is the safest big city in america. Take your MAGA spoonfed BS back to facebook


[deleted] t1_ivwo9xu wrote



NicksOnMars t1_ivwrqzl wrote

am coping by educating you


[deleted] t1_ivws1mf wrote



NicksOnMars t1_ivws91n wrote

We will continue your education in spelling class. Sub-urban-ite


[deleted] t1_ivwsvyx wrote



NicksOnMars t1_ivwu5d9 wrote

It places me as an educator. Thank you for coming to class. Your homework for tomorrow is to research induced demand in relation to the american highway system.


[deleted] t1_ivww34f wrote



NicksOnMars t1_ivwzz9y wrote

Okay then, you fail the class. Good luck getting taken seriously in life, when you cant even attempt to see an opposing argument. Back to clogging our streets and polluting the earth it is!


TeamMisha t1_ivwobnm wrote

You're beyond debate, but I just want to add that bike lanes were started in earnest under Bloomberg, a republican, so it's cute you believe this is a democratic "problem"


TeamMisha t1_ivwoqv6 wrote

Also okay that's fine to support additional roads. So you volunteer your house on Long Island to demolish for new roads then yeah?


mtgkev t1_ivwrtqr wrote

I'm going to choose to believe this post is satire and hope I'm right 🤞🤞