Lyin-Don t1_ivxmnpe wrote
People in here complaining that he appointed a judge who didn’t let Democrats get away with bullshit gerrymandering lmao.
“Shut up, Cuomo! Your judge didn’t let us fuck over our constituents like more corrupt judges in other states. He should have appointed a biased and partisan stooge!”
I voted straight blue - pretty much always have - but the inability to see what a ridiculous argument you guys are making is comical.
He sucks but he isn’t wrong.
huff_and_russ t1_ivzpchm wrote
I wasn’t expecting a reasonable voice in this comment section. Thanks.
CoxHazardsModel t1_ivybbtz wrote
Why not do it if the other side won’t stop? Just put in trigger laws that end gerrymandering if most states also pass it.
Multi_21_Seb_RBR t1_ivzhtus wrote
Agreed. Unilateral disarmament is a loser strategy and those who support unilateral disarmament in the vein of "let's be fair instead, we can't change those who cheat" is pie-in-the-sky thinking that serves no benefit to actually winning.
Democrats in NY and CA need to shape up when it comes to this.
Lyin-Don t1_ivyp6xm wrote
Because two wrongs don’t make a right. It’s really that simple.
Plus - as shitty as gerrymandering is - that isn’t the (primary) issue with our elections.
It’s turnout.
There are enough Dems in every district to overcome the Republican douchebaggery, but people can’t be bothered to get out and vote.
It’s one fucking day out of 730. There’s no excuses for turnout being as low as it is.
That goes for Republicans, independents, libertarians, etc. In every state.
That’s not to say gerrymandering isn’t ridiculous. Of course it is. But we have the numbers to overcome it. People just can’t be bothered to do their civic duty
[deleted] t1_ivyg83g wrote
Gozillasbday t1_ivy2hat wrote
Anyone that feels the need to say something like "I voted straight blue" always seems suspect to me.
Lyin-Don t1_iw07gb5 wrote
So check my history.
Better yet - check my username.
I do it because of people like you who would immediately label me a far-right insurrectionist for simply leaving a reasonable and non-partisan comment like the one above.
Gozillasbday t1_iw0c19p wrote
The lady doth protest too much.
[deleted] t1_iw0i3hw wrote
hau5keeping t1_ivxwioo wrote
NY should have gerrymandered for Dems because republican states are doing the same. The solution to fix gerrymandering is only at the Federal level, but guess what? Republicans in Congress don’t support ending gerrymandering. So yes, NY should gerrymander for Democrats.
ineedafakename t1_ivy4ou8 wrote
So you are of the opinion that democracy should be ended because the other side is trying to end it?
NetQuarterLatte t1_ivymkot wrote
Some people think that fighting fascism requires employing totalitarianism.
mission17 t1_ivyvic5 wrote
> Some people think that fighting fascism requires employing fascism.
You’ve been called out for this before. Fascism is a far right, ultranationalist ideology. Not a leftist ideology. Nor a center right ideology.
Fascism is not employing political tactics like this. And antifascism is not fascism. You’re trivializing the reality of far right rule when you spew bullshit like this.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ivyvtx2 wrote
Sure, I edited my comments for correctness.
The fact that you care about the precise wording makes it sounds like you dislike fascism, but you have no problem with totalitarianism.
mission17 t1_ivyw8nl wrote
The fact I care about precise wording is because you incessantly spread misinformation and far right bullshit on this subreddit, including trying to “both sides” fascism— a clearly far-right ideology.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ivywqzs wrote
It still sounds like you have no problem with totalitarianism.
[deleted] t1_ivya98c wrote
We hold power in the legislature. The game is already super rigged in republicans favor because of their own gerrimanders but yeah let’s just let cuomo et al rewrite the rules to favor republicans seems fair.
ineedafakename t1_ivyp0f5 wrote
- The legislature passed the law that judge was ruling over
- This is the same argument that all the democrats running for president in 2020 used (Trump is abusing executive power, which is terrible, so here is our plan to abuse it if we win) and the Republicans used against Obama in 2016 Here might be a novel idea, let us vote for people that want to reduce power in the hands of the few and spread it among the people
[deleted] t1_ivytn1z wrote
Yes and the judges took it upon themselves to refuse to allow the legislature to rewrite the map and hand it to someone of their choosing to rewrite something even the lower court judge didn’t recommend. What the hell is your point.
It’s cute you think any democratic president has even come close to the abuse of power involved in literally overturning the votes of over 20 million people which is what trump and most republicans in congress voted for and tried to do. Give me a break. There is no “both sides” to what the republicans tried to do. Go lecture the republicans why don’t you since they are the ones who want to overturn the elections they don’t win.
ineedafakename t1_ivyvmpb wrote
January 6th was disgusting and I am not defending it, the abuses of executive privilege that was brought up during the democratic primaries predates that, and that is what I was discussing
If you want me to both sides it, there are always members of congress that refuse to certify the election every time, and they all should be thrown out
JubeltheBear t1_ivyh6g4 wrote
I think he's saying there's no sense in losing with honor... especially with what's at stake
NetQuarterLatte t1_ivymb0k wrote
>The solution to fix gerrymandering is only at the Federal level, but guess what?
Then fix at the federal level, but don't use gerrymandering to get there, otherwise the incentive to fix will disappear.
We shouldn't be resorting to totalitarian shit in NY.
hau5keeping t1_ivyphi7 wrote
My brother in christ read the next sentence. Republicans are blocking it at the Federal level
NetQuarterLatte t1_ivyq71n wrote
>My brother in christ read the next sentence. Republicans are blocking it at the Federal level
And that gives us a license to suppress the will of NY voters?
hau5keeping t1_ivz6l4u wrote
Its not “us”, its congressional republicans who are forcing that scenario.
NetQuarterLatte t1_ivz70n7 wrote
Forcing how?
No one is forcing NY politicians to not govern in the interest of the people in those districts, and lose votes as a result.
The only thing which forcing it here is the stubborn ideology that ignores the people.
hau5keeping t1_ivz96ql wrote
It's a zero-sum game. Players must always maximize their position. This is not The West Wing where everyone suddenly has a change of heart for the good of the nation. You're taking issue with the wrong people. Congressional Republicans are the root of the problem.
NewYorker0 t1_ivz6wro wrote
It legal and No one’s stopping us
huebomont t1_ivzdv6e wrote
that ship has long sailed
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