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[deleted] t1_ixj7epx wrote


Emotional_Age5291 t1_ixjd30h wrote

That’s where the greed comes in bru. If they have enough workers someone taking time off wouldn’t be a problem bc u get someone to cover them... except there’s not enough workers


OverlordXenu t1_ixkmcn4 wrote

damn then maybe instead of lean staffing they should have enough staff to cover totally normal and expected time off needs!


RyuNoKami t1_ixl2dx7 wrote

don't you see? you should be rewarded for doing more work but that isn't the case, is it? instead your coworkers are being penalized for being out using their own PTO and you are stuck doing their work for no increase in pay. every worker loses.

if they were simply rewarding those who are not using their PTO then thats one thing but they ain't doing that. the company should have more employees to cover employees being out but they won't because they rather 100 people doing 150 people's worth of work than 175 people to do 150 people's worth of work and cover those that are out.