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dman928 t1_iy5qikg wrote

There is no such thing as consent in this situation.


OutrageousGarbage743 t1_iy5rylp wrote

Detainee SAID it was consensual! Learn to read or not !


DryGumby t1_iy649jw wrote

You can't have consensual sex with your prisoner. That's rape.


dman928 t1_iy5sh55 wrote

The 4 year old said it was fine that OutrageousGarbage743 touched his weiner

See how stupid you sound?


[deleted] t1_iy5sos2 wrote



Silver-Hat175 t1_iy7g3w8 wrote

obnoxious right winger reporting someone for hurting their feelings. that checks out all right


TeamMisha t1_iy91c3w wrote

I don't believe it matters under the law. As the other responder alluded to, if a minor said (even if they do not understand) that they consented to sex with an adult, that's still against the law as it's implied a minor cannot consent, same as how someone imprisoned cannot truly give consent due to the power dynamic and often under duress