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PandaJ108 t1_iwmxv7h wrote

Of note for anybody in the Jackson Heights/Elmhurst area. Two hispanics on a red moped snatching chains/property from people. Had these suspect been captured doing something truly awful on video, like obstructing a license plate then this story could have gotten its own post. But all they did was snatch a chain off a 12 year old girl dragging her to the ground.


Grass8989 t1_iwniadf wrote

šŸ™šŸ¼ Thankfully we get several posts a day about the real injustices in this city, Like a vehicle temporarily blocking a bike lane.


GettingPhysicl t1_iwpvt3n wrote

Its not temporary the cars doing it just happen to rotate


newestindustry t1_iwqalfd wrote

Thanks for specifying their race, helps in case anyone was confused about what your point is


PandaJ108 t1_iwrjub8 wrote

Hispanics ainā€™t a race. This sub gets into a fit over a post link so I provided a bit of description for those that donā€™t want to go to the post site. Those that opted to view the link and video would then see the suspects are white hispanics.


newestindustry t1_iwrmhw8 wrote

The article doesnā€™t identify them as Hispanic, what made you feel the need to do that? (rhetorical question, everyone already knows why)


PandaJ108 t1_iwrnpko wrote

Literally already answered that. If you looked at the article and saw picture of the subjects and want to tell yourself that they ainā€™t White Hispanics, go right ahead.


newestindustry t1_iwrpv76 wrote

Youā€™re right, the race of the suspects is obviously very pertinent info for most of the frequent visitors to the r/nyc crime megathread!


PandaJ108 t1_iwrqff8 wrote

Which you seem to be yourself. And once again, hispanic ainā€™t a race. The fact that you are not comprehending this suggest to me you ainā€™t even hispanic but just some White person trying to act like a savior.

You can drop the White Savior act now. To emphasize, both George Zimmerman and David Ortiz are both hispanic. If you think they are the same race, they you need to get your eyes checked.


allMightyMostHigh t1_iwrwnhv wrote

What? Im pretty sure hispanic/latino was an option for race in almost every form ive filled out


user_joined_just_now t1_iwov68o wrote

The difference is that people who commit crimes like robbery do so out of economic need. Locking people up for crimes that arise out of poverty isn't going to address crime, because the environment those people were living in will continue to exist and will cause more criminals to come into existence. The threat of punishment self-evidently does not prevent crime; after all, people commit crime in spite of the fact that it's illegal. The solution isn't to punish criminals and continue to perpetuate the tragedy that is our vengeance-fueled justice system, it's to provide these people with educational and employment opportunities.

On the other hand, someone who covers their license plate has demonstrated their depraved indifference to human life and is irredeemable as a result. You can't reform someone who does things like that. It makes sense that people would get a lot angrier over it.


ShinyGodzilla t1_iwpucmc wrote

You are defending the violent assault and robbery of a 12 year old girl. How progressive of you.


mojogogo123 t1_iwq18ki wrote

"people who commit crimes like robbery do so out of economic need."


"someone who covers their license plate has demonstrated their depraved indifference to human life and is irredeemable as a result."

You've GOT to be a troll