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Janus_The_Great t1_iy3ni8m wrote

Agree, There should be more options for the homeless and shelters and centers.

>not burden the rest of society and make them deal with avoiding homeless people literally everywhere.

That will never stop being a burden until the US becomes a social or mixed economy, rather than being a neo-liberal economy. There is no money to be made in helping homeless, so neo-liberal forces ignore the issue. Charity rather than state financed options and social programs is the US approach. Hence the situation not much changing.

Since exploitation, disenfranchisement and instrumentalisation of employees are some of the economic forces the US economy is based on, there will always be a fall off, that lands on the streets. But below the poverty line do not live lesser people.

Having homelessness is a polical choice, that's why some countries, practically don't have any. Many, especially New York try to push them out, socially and locally exclude them. That's not gonna work, and making the homeless illegal as some US counties have tried, is distopian. US prison labor is already basically slavery with extra steps. Inhumane anyways, yet the current path it seems.

Having lived abroad for most of my life, this was a shocker coming to the US, how less fortunate are treated. A major factor seems to be who to blame for failure. Americans seem to be convinced that the individual him/herself is 100% responsible for their fate/situation/life. Which in reality is closer to 30%, while 60% is access to socal institutions (Education, health, mental health, supportive structures, good peer communities, room for creativity etc.) and about 10% luck

My wife and I are looking to leave the US again soon, it's... we both do not perceive the US as a country to raise kids in or to life free (never felt more disenfranchised than here). The people are nice and friendly but generally illiterate outside their expertise, nor any idea of the world outside the US. Super friendly people but the lack of general knowledge is frightening, especially political and social illiteracy. As a historian a lot of mentalities/sentiments remind me of the late Weimar republic years, which isn't a good sign.

Have a good one


k1lk1 t1_iy3q1wu wrote

> . The people are nice and friendly but generally illiterate outside their expertise

> As a historian a lot of mentalities/sentiments remind me of the late Weimar republic years, which isn't a good sign.

Ahahaha, this is fucking amazing


Janus_The_Great t1_iy3rnj3 wrote

>As a historian

Next to having studied sociology, philosophy and psychology.

You see, in progressive actually developed countries we don't pay for tertiary education, and thus aren't usually limited to one discipline in our careers. Ever heard of interdisciplinary? It's totally in trend since like three decades...🤷‍♂️

In Finnland you get paid for studying, not paying...

That's what i mean with illiterate to the rest of the world works.

Without going into details, I specifically analyse the development of US society and the potential risks for its future from a interdisciplinary standpoint. That's my job.

What's your expertise?

None given, none taken. Have a good one.


avd706 t1_iy3tkyv wrote

What they fuk are you doing badmouthing NYC in a local Reddit sub. You have no ideas of the realities on there ground.


Janus_The_Great t1_iy3wxkk wrote

Where am I badmouthing? Im criticizing facts. If facts are perceived as problematic, well then there are issues.

I love NYC, great city, the bearing heart of the US, and iconic metropolises ob the world. That doesn't change that there are things to criticize.

Criticism is the highest form of praise or patriotism. The wish to improve. The wish to become better in the inevitable changes of time.

To be blind to criticism only underlines the wish for no change or an acceptance of decline. It means you don't wish for betterment.

Times arrow only moves forward, and with it change. My intention isn't to "badmouth" New York, but to give frank criticism, in hopes to bring focus to where improvement is needed, to prevent detoriation of what you and I love about this city.

I'm sorry if it came across to harsh or malicious, that wasn't my intention. Having grown up with Francian heritage, it's literally part of my culture to be frank.

Jave a good one stay safe.


avd706 t1_iy40mnl wrote

Do you understand that there is a consent decree in which the city agrees to provide shelter to anyone requesting it?


Janus_The_Great t1_iy43w4f wrote

Yes. Have you seen the quality of NYC shelters? I have. I wouldn't stay in one if necessary. I'd rather try my luck outside as long as I don't freeze to death. Violence, SA, theft and robbery are daily occurrence, next to vermin and disease. Most of the money intended for it is usually redirected as high wages for the management (which tends to live well of their proceeds, while often the absolute minimum isn't even given to the shelters themselves. There is little to no oversight.

There is a tendency to stop looking into it, after one has received calming assurance. But the right response to "No need to worry, there is shelter for everyone" is to question the quality of those shelters. If most homeless tend to stay out of them, they don't seem work as intended. Having visited some work wise, I wouldn't stay in one, simply too dangerous.

So unless there is a broader social reform, there is little change to the current situation to be expected.