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t1_iysfugg wrote

We're discussing it internally. Hopefully should have some type of direction soon.


t1_iyttldl wrote

Is it possible to do a hybrid approach? Shove the NYPost ones into the thread, but higher profile cases are allowed outside (e.g. crime involving a politician).


t1_iytx7en wrote

You need no direction, nor does there need to be discussion. Reddit has upvotes and downvotes. Your input is unnecessary short of a post outright promoting racism or violence.

The downvote and upvote decide all. If someone wants to post about a restaurant in San Francisco here or their favorite breed of dog, the upvote and downvote button can decide that as well regardless of whether it is germane to the city of New York or not.


t1_iyvc5v5 wrote

Sounds like you should start your own NYC sub then and moderate it the way you want.


t1_j01o27y wrote

r/NYC is the better name. I think we'll all stay here. If you'd like to move to a differently-named sub to avoid the critics here, feel free.


t1_j0iaafa wrote

There’s also r/NewYorkCity too which is a good alternative from here, although less active. Name wise, it’s logical too since it’s the full name of the city, so people wouldn’t be confused. The 5 individual borough subs all have their own proper names, again easy to find and access for those who’d want an even more local perspective.

Don’t think the “3rd option” subs as an alternate to here & that sub aren’t doing too good since it could be the name, or overall as with any other new subreddit, finding your niche, and content/followers/active users in order to have that community grow.