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Unable-Ad3852 t1_iym4d7r wrote

We're lucky if they get it done by 2030 🤣. But they'll make sure to raise the fair every 2 years to cover for this mistake that bloats the budget.


Desterado t1_iymb1fs wrote

They haven’t raised it since 2015 though


fishballs_69 t1_iyn0hog wrote

People on this sub just speak in hyperboles and complain about anything no matter which side it comes out on.

If MTA says they won’t raise fares but subway service will remain bad, top comments will be “MTA never listens! I’d gladly pay more to improve the subway”.

If MTA says they’ll raise the fares, it’ll be “Can’t wait for this money to go into one of the Mayor’s friend’s pockets! This city is a shitshow and only caters to the 1%.”

People don’t speak with facts or sources, just general sentiments that are usually not based in reality


MyNameIsRobPaulson t1_iyni61p wrote

This is Reddit and a lot of the internet in general - the goal is to be angry, cynical and throw a collective self-righteous digital tantrum. You think this post is about the MTA, but really it’s just a way to create a anonymous social environment to achieve that goal.


LikesBallsDeep t1_iynw88v wrote

I mean, yeah. We have seen them raise fares and nothing improve or even get worse so, until shown otherwise that's a fair reaction.


fishballs_69 t1_iyo0m08 wrote

How do you know raising fares isn’t put to maintaining the current state of transit and without the raise, things would decline?


LikesBallsDeep t1_iyo3dxl wrote

Maybe they are. But the MTA has a massive budget and massive waste. Even if things could be even worse that's not a good explanation.


[deleted] t1_iymcmwz wrote



LittleWind_ t1_iymn3o3 wrote

This isn’t always the case. Having an indemnity clause and enforcing are different issues, and very complicated in the city where it takes a year+ to replace a contractor.


[deleted] t1_iympe7n wrote



LittleWind_ t1_iymvaq7 wrote

Right. I’m not disputing that MTA has the legal right to seek specific performance or financial penalties. My point is that - practically - City agencies don’t always pursue those avenues. Contractors can - and do - walk away from jobs for the city when they’re held liable for damages. In that case, the city must go through a procurement process to select a new contractor, which can be expensive and requires about a year.

As I said, having a right and enforcing them are different things. Practical realities matter.


wr_m t1_iyn0dph wrote

I doubt Siemens would flat out walk away from this. There's literally billions of dollars on the table for future work on other lines. I think both parties are super motivated to get this resolved.


thebruns t1_iynar7r wrote

It went up in 2019. Stop lying.

>The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) Board voted on February 27, 2019 to increase fares and tolls. The new tolls take effect March 31, 2019 and the new fares take effect April 21, 2019. Highlights from the MTA fare proposal are below.


Desterado t1_iynaz00 wrote

How much was a ride in 2015? 2.75. What is it now? 2.75.


SwellandDecay t1_iyuqhcs wrote

they got rid of the bonus, which effectively raised fares


ChurchPicnicFlareGun t1_iynch28 wrote

Seriously? If you read the article you would see that the cost of the 7-day/monthly/etc unlimited are what went up. Those are the cards most people who commute are using.

I mean who else besides tourists and suckers use pay-per-ride anyway?


thebruns t1_iynbb4h wrote

If you cant read an article, delete your account.


Desterado t1_iynbhkj wrote

Subway fare is literally the same as it was in 2015.


thebruns t1_iynbtdh wrote

One last time, or youre being reported for spreading misinformation

>7-Day Unlimited Ride MetroCard: Increase from $32 to $33 >7-Day Express Bus Plus Unlimited Ride MetroCard: Increase from $59.50 to $62.00 >30-Day and Calendar Monthly Unlimited Ride MetroCard: Increase from $121 to $127

That is ON TOP of the 2017 increase

>The cost of a weekly MetroCard will now be $32 instead of $31. Monthly cards will go from $116.50 to $121. And the pay-per-ride bonus on purchases of $5.50 or more will go from 11% down to 5%.

>Express bus fares remain at $6.50, but the 7-day Express Bus Plus Metro Card will go up from $57.25 to $59.50.


Desterado t1_iynby6q wrote

The subway cost 2.75 to ride in 2015. It still costs 2.75 to ride now. Go ahead and “report me”.


thebruns t1_iync5bw wrote

The EFFECTIVE fare was lower because of bonuses. Those were decreased and then eliminated.

AKA, a fare hike.

Are you even from NYC? Do you even understand how fares work?


Desterado t1_iyncafn wrote

Dude. If I tap my phone it costs 2.75. If I bought a card and put money on it then it costs 2.75 a ride. The price hasn’t changed for a ride.

Can’t see what you wrote cause you blocked me. Say hi to everyone in New Jersey for me.


thebruns t1_iyncp27 wrote

Imagine talking about fares in 2015 when you clearly just moved here and dont understand how the fare system used to work


Shreddersaurusrex t1_iyoy2cl wrote

Bonuses were a gimmick. An extra 30 cents? What good is that when booth staff don’t want to combine the assorted values from different cards?


Unable-Ad3852 t1_iyodjn0 wrote

Sure they did. They got rid of the bonuses first, then added 1$ for a new card, then unlimited at discount. Would have been better to just outright raise the fare than getting rid of discounts since that only helped tourists, not your working masses. Express buss fare definitely went up.