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OP t1_iytn47v wrote

> The 21-year-old victim was demonstrating with other people on West 116th Street just before 8 p.m. Monday when a man she didn’t know approached her and punched her multiple times in the head, causing her to pass out, cops said.


t1_iyuiapn wrote

some people from the event said online that he was attempting to punch a woman that was speaking against the protests, but accidentally punched the woman next to her. not that it makes it much better. you can see it here:


t1_iyvdozd wrote

Ahh, the classic pull him away then... let him walk off. Surely a crowd that size shoyld be able to seize someone whi just assualted someone?!


OP t1_iyuixq2 wrote

Holy shit!

What was the speaker saying?

To attack someone like that in front of everyone, the guy is either deranged, or he wanted to send a message in response to whatever she was saying, or both.


t1_iyuls50 wrote

the woman in the hat is basically questioning all the protesters calling for Xi Jinping to step down, asking who will lead after him, that this is a funeral event, and to only shout slogans for things they can be responsible for, to which the woman with the mask retorts with who is responsible for the ten people that died? (i.e., CCP) allegedly he thought the woman in the mask was speaking the entire time.


t1_iyxnptp wrote

so the woman on the right was not part of the protest? so why was she standing with them?

this guy definitely shouldn't have punched anyone but i guess i can see how he got confused.


t1_iyxowm1 wrote

these are vigils that also function as protests. this one, like many others, seemed to allow anyone to speak over the microphone, which makes sense as one of their main requests is free speech.

she was free to join and voice her disapproval (a minority opinion at these events); the audience was free to boo her, which they did; he was not free to punch her


t1_iytwwfb wrote

Mostly peaceful CCP supporter.


t1_iyuar1w wrote

How many other incidents like this have we not heard about?


t1_iyubmfj wrote

probably zero considering the media likes to spread this kind of story around whenever it happens


t1_iz0cdur wrote

Check out the recent beatings of people outside the Chinese embassy in London by staff, they fucking love kicking the shit out of people expressing their dismay with the Chinese government.


t1_iytvt5e wrote

Since there is a large number of Chinese students at Columbia and there is a China police station in Chinatown I would bet that a Chinese police officer infiltrated the protest and did this.


t1_iytwqs3 wrote

There a Chinese government police station in china town that independent of NYPD?


t1_iytyrkp wrote

Not sure how true it is, but FBI recently claimed China is operating police stations out of US and other countries to monitor Chinese immigrants. China says it is run by volunteers.


t1_iz38ywn wrote

Its real they mascarade as an agency to "help" chinese nationals abroad with renewing ID and various forms. Fuzhou Police station is what they are called. But in actuality they hunt and harass CCP dissenters. They'll arrest family members that lives in mainland china and make them call that person to turn themselves and get expidited back to china. My prediction of this is that they'll wont be so obvious next time and work under a shell company.


t1_iytypzq wrote

I doubt the guys a Chinese officer. Communist party officials send their family members to study abroad and stuff like this happens. Theres been multiple times across the planet where pro CCP zombies attack anti CCP people


t1_iyv9mli wrote

Most likely. The CCP has been caught having them in cities around the world to monitor the Chinese diaspora and Chinese citizens abroad. Makes sense that they'd have one in NYC with the size of our Chinese community and all the rest of the stuff happening here.


t1_iyu1sxq wrote

Some of the Chinese school clubs got broken up at Columbia years back because the Chinese gov’t had effectively taken control of them and were using them to try to exert control on Chinese students.

It would not be surprising at all if it had to do with someone with a tangential government relationship, but I’d imagine if it’s true they went rogue in this case since it seems totally insane to draw more attention to the issue.


t1_iyvjvtq wrote

>Some of the Chinese school clubs got broken up at Columbia years back because the Chinese gov’t had effectively taken control of them and were using them to try to exert control on Chinese students.

Good on Columbia.

That is basically what Confucius Institutes have become on college campuses across the country


t1_iyv1uj8 wrote

I remember reading a while back that those clubs exist at cuny schools as well.


t1_iyu885p wrote

Oh it really doesn't have to be someone sent by the CCP, there are unfortunately a lot of party line idiots out there who would do such a thing


OP t1_iyu5ix8 wrote

If it’s a foreign agent from the Chinese government who perpetrated that violence, then this needs to be investigated by the FBI too.


t1_iyuc1o1 wrote

ask me if you want to learn about US involvement in Chinese governmental structures. either way, you should stick to partisan crime discussion, its a lot easier to understand


OP t1_iyuffab wrote

> ask me if you want to learn about US involvement in Chinese governmental structures. either way, you should stick to partisan crime discussion, its a lot easier to understand

Your attempt at whataboutism sounds almost like an admission.

Because it sounds like you believe the predicate (“if it’s a foreign agent …”) is true and that you’re trying to respond to that.


t1_iyufsk2 wrote

please refer to my other post wherein I asked you four questions and you did not respond to any. until you give a satisfactory answer or explain why your entire profile is dedicated to NYC crime, I am done responding


t1_iyv4sj8 wrote

Oof, you’re getting downvoted but raise a real good point. Profile a lil sus.


t1_iyvmzv5 wrote

You KNOW the CCP is balls deep in a place like Columbia… with all the research going on and all the party kids running around. They’re definitely keeping tabs to recruit spies or press some blackmail buttons


t1_iytmyd2 wrote

Users often report submissions from this site and ask us to ban it for sensationalized articles. At /r/nyc, we oppose blanket banning any news source. Readers have a >responsibility to be skeptical, check sources and comment on any flaws. You can help improve this thread by linking to media that verifies or questions this article's claims. Your link could help readers better understand this issue. If you do find >evidence that this article or its title are false or misleading, contact the moderators who will review it.

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


t1_iyuf4yj wrote

It's good to see that the moderators of r/NYC have finally reversed the blanket ban of the New York Post, a newspaper founded by Alexander Hamilton that for 200+ years has offered a different perspective than almost all other mainstream newspapers in NYC. Yet it is still shameful that it provides this bot warning for the NY Post and not for other newspapers, all of which have had to offer frequent mea culpas for their biased reporting. Is there really any reason whatsoever to suspect that the NY Post's report on the assault of this protester is incorrect?


t1_iyw4fq7 wrote

The post was never blanket banned.


t1_iyxg6uf wrote

I stand corrected; it is r/newyork that blanked banned it. Still, this "warning label" should not be selectively applied to the New York Post.


t1_iyv38o3 wrote

I’d say the chances of perp getting book thrown at him, and serving actual jail time would be slim to none. Probably get off on ACD, on first time offense.


t1_iyvklgc wrote

I'm not sure why you're being downvoted, because this is the likely outcome if this asshole gets caught.

Unless the DA pursued hate crime charges (which would be interesting, since most violent attacks against Asians in NYC, which are almost all much more serious than this, do not get the hate crime enhancement + political views are not a protected class in NY), this is a misdemeanor offense which wouldn't even be eligible for bail.

And if he has a clean record, likely pleads down to a no-jail agreement.


t1_iyy0z7z wrote

You same people in this thread are the ones who’ve been championing lock downs non stop for almost 3 years now.


t1_iyvrqy5 wrote

Mods give up on the crime thread?


t1_iyvynws wrote

Nah, we’re going to hold a community vote


t1_iyw3wms wrote

With the changes to pinned posts it may not be as successful as it once was

Edit: dropped a C


t1_iyw45nn wrote

I agree with you and would love any suggestions you have to do it differently. I think the idea is to make the decision be as close to “sub democracy” as possible.


t1_iyw7snl wrote

I think you're going the right way but the couple of subs I mod are still trying to deal with it too


t1_iyvwm03 wrote

They were protesting china keeping its people safe from the ravages of Covid?

Have we all gone insane?


t1_iz9o4h5 wrote

No they are protesting their government forcibly detaining and locking people up.

Legit shit like "I went to work and someone tested positive so now they locked the building and I'm not allowed home. Btw my pet (maybe even child and or partner) will likely starve to death as I can't aid them. "


t1_iytrxd4 wrote



OP t1_iytt0y8 wrote

It’s even worse than a random assault because most likely she was assaulted for political reasons.


t1_iytvwif wrote

What are you even trying to say lol


t1_iytxfqq wrote

I’m guessing, he’s being sarcastic.

I think he’s saying that people are being too complacent about crime in NYC.

I’m not sure why people always think policing is the answer to problems. America’s recidivism rate is pretty bad. I think there’s probably a better solution to crime than just locking people away without rehabilitation.


t1_iytxc6y wrote

They’re mad FOX stopped playing their favorite talking points so now they have to entertain themselves.


t1_iyubsvt wrote

yo thoughts on the Covid death counts in the US vs those in China based on lockdown measures? remember, arguing China had a fuckton of deaths and draconian lockdown measures makes zero logical sense

regardless, let us know how this NYPost article has a deep understanding of Chinese politics. if you cant, just ask me to explain


OP t1_iyud5b0 wrote

Are you a tankie?


t1_iyud9rs wrote

respond with points please- using political rhetoric like that is very reminiscent of CCP dissenter silencing. i can explain the history related to that to you if you want


OP t1_iyudeyr wrote

Are you trying to say the NYPost or the protest itself had a deep misunderstanding about China, as if that justifies the assault?


t1_iyudt7c wrote

this protest is in opposition of Covid lockdown measures. such lockdown measures supposedly prevented millions of deaths in China and slowed the economy at the same time

you posted the article, and repeatedly post with similar crime-related political slants.

now some questions for you, answer for a response: Is the NYPost a good source for news? Is it biased? Do you have knowledge of China’s government or political history? Do you have other comments which suggest violence against certain elements within NYC is justified (spoiler: you do. i will find them tomorrow if you wish.)


OP t1_iyuebxv wrote

Anyone can tell the protest at Columbia was in solidarity with the protests in China.

Is there anything relevant about the political history in China that you think we need to know with respect to this assault?


t1_iyuey1y wrote

罢课罢工罢免独裁国贼习近平 起来不愿意做奴隶的人们! 反独裁反专制救中国 一人一票选主席


t1_iyufoi3 wrote

so basically youre responding to my legitimate points with a political propaganda message? weird, that is very similar to how the CCP operates!


t1_iyucy34 wrote

to anyone curious: open this guy’s profile and try to find any post not related to nyc crime. but trust me im sure hes a non-political good faith actor. meanwhile this guy is totally a CCP asset based on zero evidence


t1_iyu4yoh wrote

Remember when Redditors told us, what does the hate/racism in China have to do with shit that happens here?

Edit: Of course you hypocrites would downvote this,

> Some 200 people gathered at Columbia's Low Library Monday night to protest to support the people of China protesting against the country's COVID restrictions. Some 200 people gathered at Columbia's Low Library Monday night to protest to support the people of China protesting against the country's COVID restrictions.

>The gathering at Columbia was one of several such recent protests that took place on college campuses across the US in a show of solidarity with the people of China who have called for President Xi Jinping to step down over his government’s draconian COVID restrictions.


t1_iytp707 wrote

Oh fuck the attacker was Asian? Fuck what do I do? I can't leave my normal dog whistling comment! 😱

edit: lol here come all the mad racists downvoting 🤣


t1_iytrqfm wrote

The victim was protesting the Chinese government tho lol. So it makes sense the attacker was an Asian guy, most likely pro-CCP


t1_iytspd6 wrote

That doesn't make sense. If the CCP is so good it's worth committing violence over, then why is he here? Eric Adams and Alvin Bragg need to nip this in the bud. I don't want violent supporters of oppressive foreign governments in this city. This could have easily escalated to a murder since he pummeled the victim to the point of unconsciousness. If you ask me this is frightening.


t1_iyur96a wrote

I agree with you, I don't know why you're being downvoted.


t1_iyva4vh wrote

This sub is very right-wing. There’s a bunch of dog whistles on so many posts in this sub sadly.

Edit: I’ve stated the obvious and I’m getting downvoted…Typical. You guys are proving my point.
