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binghamtonswag t1_j18zv1p wrote

I was an attorney but that’s barely relevant. You’re second question is even less relevant. Good job brining nothing of value back to the conversation.


[deleted] t1_j190sh2 wrote



binghamtonswag t1_j1917as wrote

>Gets called out for stupid question they don't like the answer to. Whines about it.

Hahahaha, thanks for this exchange, I needed a full belly laugh.


[deleted] t1_j1965jw wrote



binghamtonswag t1_j196fth wrote

Keep reaching and projecting 😂😂 this just keeps getting better. Claims with no rational 😂😂 While your OP is still here for everyone to see 😂😂 I can’t.


[deleted] t1_j198438 wrote



binghamtonswag t1_j199h08 wrote

They got so mad they read through my account and found I like Pokémon 😂😂 Then they thought it was some sort of dunk to point out I like the most popular media franchise of all time. I can’t imagine the sort of insecurities that led to that decision but here we are. What you believe about my knowledge of the rules of professional conduct or really anything is quite frankly not very relevant because you’ve shown yourself in this conversation to be one of the dumbest people on the internet and that’s saying something.